Video monetization

Video monetization

Video monetization is the way to generate revenue from creating and sharing video content; this is relevant for both online live streaming and video on demand. With the rise of video content online, making money out of it has become a common phenomenon. There are many methods of video monetization, but the most popular ones are AVOD, SVOD, and TVOD.


AVOD stands for advertising video on demand; through this, a content creator can place ads in their videos and generate revenue based on the number of views or clicks. A popular example of this method is YouTube. Another way is to partner with brands, make sponsored ad content, and get paid in return.


SVOD stands for Subscription Video on Demand; this method is used by popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hotstar. This method charges a subscription fee from the viewers in return for the exclusive content.


TVOD stands for television video on demand, where viewers are charged based on individual content. This type of monetization is often used in movies, where viewers can pay for that one movie.

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