Why B2B needs video marketing?

June 18, 2024
5 Min
Owned Media


This is some text inside of a div block.

Using video for branding and marketing is not a new concept in B2C (business-to-consumer), but there remains scepticism when it comes to B2B (business-to-business). In this fast-paced world, written content may not capture your buyers' attention effectively, as attention spans are shrinking faster than a sandcastle in a storm. Marketers and brands are striving to stand out, to grab their audience, and to hold onto their attention.

Modern audiences are scrolling through feeds, watching tutorials, and catching up on entertainment – all while juggling work, errands, and personal lives. This means brands can no longer afford to be passive bystanders, they need to strategically position themselves to become a natural fit in the already-established media consumption of their audience.

The demand for video content isn't just a trend; it's a necessity. According to a HubSpot survey, a staggering 54% of consumers actively seek out video content from the brands they support. This preference isn't random – science backs it up. Our brains process visual media 60,000 times faster than text; thus, we are drawn to videos.  

Furthermore, a whopping 80% of all internet traffic is video, highlighting its dominance in today's content landscape.

Average time people spend online

7 reason why B2B need video marketing in their strategy

Using videos can significantly boost your SEO results. Research from SEMrush shows that nearly 28% of mobile search results in the US include videos. Search engines like Google prefer pages with video because they increase how long people stay on a page and reduce how often they leave without engaging.  

By adding videos to your website, you can make it more likely that people will find your content in search results. Videos tend to keep visitors interested longer, which indicate   search engines that your content is valuable. This can improve your rankings in search results, making it easier for people to discover your website.

Videos also make it easier to explain things clearly and keep people engaged. By creating videos that include relevant keywords and information, you can improve your SEO strategy while connecting better with your audience.

using video for better SEO result

Repurpose your videos into short clips and use them on socials

60% of short-form videos are viewed for 41% to 80% of their total length. Social media algorithms tend to prioritize short-form videos, frequently highlighting them in users' feeds. To maximize engagement, consider transforming your longer videos into shorter clips. This approach not only captures viewers' attention more effectively but also allows you to repurpose and extend the reach of your existing content.

Know how your engagement = know your audience

Tracking engagement metrics is important because they show how well your content resonates with your audience. Recent reports highlight the effectiveness of video content: 87% of businesses have noticed longer visits on their websites, while organic traffic to landing pages can surge by up to 157%. The power of video in boosting audience interaction and attracting more visitors to your online platforms. As a result, businesses are increasingly prioritizing video as a key tool to enhance engagement and reach their target audience more effectively.

Have videos on your website

Your website is often the first-place potential customers visit, making it important to capture their interest right away. Studies show that viewers are 64% more likely to purchase a product after watching an online video. By showcasing your products through engaging videos on your website, you not only grab attention but also build trust and foster a deeper connection with your audience. Ensure that your content is prominently displayed where your audience is most likely to encounter it. This will enhance your engagement and conversion rates.

Webinars and podcast are new ways to build leadership

Webinars help establish authority, which help in building your own community. They are also an effective marketing tool because they capture prospects, showcase expertise, engage audiences, and provide valuable content that can be repurposed in various ways. Research indicates that 20% to 40% of webinar attendees convert into qualified leads. This high conversion rate shows the importance of webinars in any marketing strategy. By hosting informative and engaging webinars, you not only build credibility but also generate high-quality leads, driving long-term growth and success for your business.

Creating customer tutorial video

Product-Led Growth (PLG) companies like HubSpot, Notion, and Amplitude leverage this strategy to gain a competitive edge in their respective markets. By creating informative and engaging video content, these companies not only help their customers maximize the use of their products but also enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. This approach allows them to stand out in crowded markets, attract more users, and drive significant growth. Incorporating educational videos into your marketing strategy can similarly provide your business with a distinct advantage, fostering a deeper connection with your audience.  

On-demand demos of your product

On-demand demos are important for easing the buying process, as 83% of people find demo videos helpful in making decisions. By showing exactly how your product works and solves problems, you help customers feel more confident. These demos not only demonstrate features but also strengthen trust in your brand, which transfers to trust in your product. Including on-demand demos in your sales approach turns each interaction into a chance to educate, engage, and convert potential customers. It builds credibility for your brand and builds a stronger connection with your audience, ultimately driving sales and growth.

How to start your B2B video marketing journey?  

Starting a B2B journey involves many steps like setting goals, creating a content strategy, and deciding on your positioning. But instead of covering the basics, let's focus on a solution. What if you could get all the benefits of video marketing with one simple solution?

Your owned media platform, Owned media pages or your own online video platform (OVP) provide greater control and independence. The ability to dictate content, maintain consistent branding, and control the user experience without being subject to algorithm changes from third-party channels like YouTube and LinkedIn. With owned platforms, they also provide flexibility, customisation options, and the potential for content monetization. Owned media lets you centralize your content on your platform. You can host videos on your website, create webinars and podcasts, and offer tutorial and on-demand videos, all in one place. This ensures consistent branding and better audience engagement.

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