Streaming made simple

We’ve been in your shoes

Over the past decade, our co-founder Betrand has worked extensively with Video in his startups including an OTT platform, a social creative platform and more recently in Media. The timing couldn’t be perfect.

The past decade witnessed many developments in bare metal, AI (Video embraced AI long before it was cool!) and delivery. They all make video central to powerful digital experiences of today, but also (a tad) hard to build with.

And sadly, even with all this innovation, he didn’t see it becoming any easier for him or his developers to build with Video.

FastPix aims to change that!

Our mission is..

To simplify video, so developers can build with video easily.

To do so with unified APIs that supercharge developers’ time to value with Video and enables them to delight their customers.

Entrepreneurs who have built and scaled global tech companies

Praveen Ramineni


Praveen brings to FastPix a wealth of business and technology experience in Enterprise Data management, Cloud Data, Data Integration and Advanced Analytics.

Prior to FastPix, Praveen was a Co-Founder of Blue.Cloud, a Tampa, FL headquartered cloud and AI service company with operations in US, Turkey and India.

Under Praveen’s leadership the Company grew to a 400+ organization with leading data partnerships and blue-chip client base. In 2022, Blue.Cloud was acquired by private equity firm Hudson Hill Capital at a $100 million valuation.

He is excited to be back to building companies again, this time in video and with FastPix.

Praveen is focused on building a world class product, global team and partner ecosystem to drive continuous innovation and success.

Betrand Yella

EVP Technology

Betrand has spent his career is app development, data centers and media, including extensive experience in video solutions for low latency, big data applications.

Previously, Betrand founded and sold I-Bee Solutions to XBT Holding, a global hosting, networking (cloud, co-location, CDN) and managed services provider with offices in eight countries. He then built his first OTT platform, before building out a social creative platform and more recently a media firm.

Betrand has a deep passion for video and to making it simple for people to build with Video. He oversees the buildout of FastPix’s Video APIs, including product, infrastructure and execution.

In so doing, he keeps the Company true to its mission and its commitments to Developers and Partners.

Shashank Ramineni


Shashank is an experienced technology strategy and finance professional. Prior to FastPix, Shashank had a long career in tech private equity and investment banking globally.

He has completed multiple deals across the Tech economy encompassing modern software, tech-enabled services business, AI/ML apps for business applications and IoT/Sensor technology.

Some select mandates include the acquisition of ASP by ProQuest, Datum Solutions by Alithya (NASDAQ: ALYA), DoseSpot (API Software) by PSG Equity, Quavo (AI Platform) by Decathlon Capital, among others.

In his current role, he is focused on enabling FastPix and its team to strive to actualize the Company’s vision to be the de-facto Video API for developers building video in their software products.

We’re building the future of Video for developers

We’re FastPix​

We’re slightly beaver-crazy about ​helping you build next-gen video

We know first-hand the challenges of building video products. Built to be better, FastPix’ video infrastructure now powers modern video workflows globally. ​

Our story ​

FastPix started with a personal problem​

OTT -> UGC -> 600-people news media company… it's been a journey. As a founder in online video centric businesses since the early-2010s, I’ve wrestled with everything video...continuously… to build, tinker, and scale complex video workflows. Much of the underlying effort remains for anyone starting today. Video engineering is a complex and largely hidden from sight technology. Mastery of its layers is limited but necessary. All while, anything less than flawless playback is non grata with audiences. This makes building with video, for many teams, dreadfully frustrating and distracting.

FastPix aims to change that – our mission is to help companies build successful video products by providing an all-in-one platform for video, video data and video AI. Our vision is to bring together on-demand video and live video streaming in one place, along with the QoE data and In-Video AI to build modern video efficiently. All this with a few API calls. Make video work for you, not the other way. This way, teams can focus on moving faster in the market. ​

The response so far has been overwhelmingly positive. I’m excited to continue building our vision and making video work for many more teams. ​

FastPix API Founders
Our values​

Beaver brings into line our values ​

Hard work and community

"Beavers are nature's engineers, building habitats that benefit many other species." This truism emphasizes our role in the ecosystem as a builder and caretaker.​

FastPix commit to hardwork and community


"Beavers teach us that sometimes we have to adapt our environment to thrive." This highlights our ability to adapt offerings to help developers create world class video products.​​

FastPix adapt to future trends and demand


"Beavers work together to create their dams, showing the power of teamwork." This underscores the importance of collaboration and execution among our team, our partners and our customers to be successful.​

FastPix work together to collaborate and execute all video demand
Our team ​

Skills sharpened building things ​

FastPix's co-founder - Betrand Yella

Betrand Yella

EVP, Co-founder

  • Serial tech founder since undergrad
  • Previously built I-Bee solutions (acquired by XBT, a leading data center operator)​
  • ​Beverage of choice: Beer (so, built three microbreweries)
CEO - Praveen Ramineni

Praveen Ramineni

CEO, Co-founder

  • Serial tech founder
  • ​Previously built Blue Cloud (acquired by Hudson Bay Capital- read more here)​
  • Beverage of choice: Keeps changing, currently GIN
Co-founder - Shashank Ramineni

Shashank Ramineni

COO, Co-founder

  • Tech developer -> Tech investment banker -> Tech Cofounder
  • Advised many software companies including Dosespot (healthcare API), Kwiktag (financial API), ASP (Video software), Quavo (Financial AI) among others.
  • Beverage of choice: Bourbon

35 plus team …..​


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