The complete video stack for next-gen OTT​

Build, manage, and scale your SVOD, TVOD, AVOD or FAST strategy with FastPix APIs​

Next-Gen OTT platform with FastPix

The winning hand for OTT success​

Plug and Play Platform  ​

Full-stack solution for ingest, encoding, content management, distribution and monetization - across devices ​

Stunning Viewer Experience​

Differentiate and build a brand - craft custom UX experience across mobile, web and TV ​

Flexible Monetization​

Be it subscriptions, rentals, ads, CTV or FAST, combine revenue models to reach a wider audience​

Insights for success ​

Over 50+ metrics to answer content performance, engagement and more​

Plug and Play Platform  ​

Full-stack solution for ingest, encoding, content management, distribution and monetization - across devices ​

Stunning Viewer Experience​

Differentiate and build a brand - craft custom UX experience across mobile, web and TV. ​

Flexible Monetization​

Be it subscriptions, rentals, ads, CTV or FAST, combine revenue models to reach a wider audience​

Insights for success ​

Over 50+ metrics to answer content performance, engagement and more​

aaonxt logo

See how AAO NXT is making its media win​

“We have a sizeable audience in our market and cater to more than 50 million audiences globally. We have some of the most stunning and modern content, as well as the best-in-class technology and world-class premium viewing experience” says AaoNxt founder and CEO Kaushik Das. “We continuously improve our technology. We have a long-term perspective, which has helped us emerge as a top regional OTT platform”.

A regional OTT giant in making, AaoNxt has continuously pushed the boundaries of regional content and established new benchmarks for excellence. Visit them or read more about their technology journey.

Next-Gen OTT platform with FastPix

Features to power up your platform

Features help your platform “do” things. Done well and creatively, they drive benefits across engagement, experience, monetization and retention. We “do” features well, so you can “do” more with video ​
FastPix One-stop video streaming API

On-demand video and live streaming in 1 API​

On-demand video and live stream with one API​

Source-side concurrent streams

Source-side concurrent streams​

Maximize video delivery efficiency with simultaneous source-side concurrent streams technology.

AV1 and better compression with FastPix

AV1 and better compression ​

Support for H.264, AV1 and Per-title encoding for better compression and efficiency ​

Quality and efficiency

AV1 for better compression and lower costs. Leverage Per-title encoding for better efficiency

Control over costs

Resolution based or usage based pricing to pay only for what you use

Effortless delivery

Built in smart-ABR and multi-CDN for delivery – nothing for you to do

Reach wider audience

Recorded Streams, Restreams to 3rd party platforms

We do the full video stack
Explore more features

Data to answer all these questions,
around views, engagement, errors
and more...

Explore Data ->

What is user's actual viewing experience? Individually and aggregate

Which markets are driving my engagement?

How is my content performing? Today, month on month, year to date?

What times are folks watching?

Who are my power users? How do I optimize for them?

How is my live or prerecorded content performing?

How do I adjust new content releases for maximum engagement?

How do I get a head start on finding and fixing issues?

How do I get better data, so I know what to fix and faster?

Why are folks leaving? Content or technical?

How can I get alerted to problems before folks ping?

View more

FastPix vs other options​

There are pros and cons to every decision. If fast time-to-market, custom UX, ease of use, more data and support are important, then FastPix is for “you”​

FastPix is a better way to build video in products ​

If you’re up for it, this is our call-to-action section. And we have some options, maybe one of them fits better than the others. ​

Try FastPix for free

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