TCP vs. UDP for video streaming: Which protocol is better?

September 6, 2024
7 Min
Video Education
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When streaming a live sports event or your favorite show, buffering or lag can be frustrating. Behind the scenes, two transport protocols TCP and UDP play a key role in how smoothly that video reaches your screen. But which one is better for seamless streaming? It depends on the situation. TCP offers strong reliability, ensuring every packet of data arrives intact, while UDP prioritizes speed, making it ideal for real-time interactions. In this article, we’ll break down the strengths and differences of each protocol to help you make an informed choice for your streaming needs.

Transmission control protocol (TCP)

TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that ensures reliable data transmission between sender and receiver. It establishes a connection before transmitting data, which remains in place until all data is sent.

How TCP works

  1. Connection establishment: TCP requires a three-step process involving establishing a connection. This involves the sender and receiver exchanging SYN (synchronize) and ACK (acknowledge) packets to confirm a connection.
  2. Reliability: TCP ensures that all data packets are delivered accurately and in the correct order. If a packet is lost or corrupted, TCP retransmits it. This reliability is achieved through sequence numbers and acknowledgment packets.
  3. Flow control: TCP manages the rate of data transfer to prevent overwhelming the receiver, adjusting based on the receiver's ability to process data.
  4. Congestion control: It senses when the network is getting crowded and slows down data transmission to keep things running smoothly.
  5. Error checking: TCP includes error-checking mechanisms to ensure data integrity. It uses checksums to detect errors in transmitted data.

Workflow of Transmission control protocol (TCP): How it works


  1. Web browsing: TCP is used by HTTP/HTTPS protocols to ensure that web pages are delivered completely and accurately.
  2. Email: Protocols like SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), and POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) use TCP to ensure the reliable delivery of emails.
  3. File transfers: Protocols like FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) use TCP to ensure files are transferred without errors.
  4. Remote access: SSH (Secure Shell) and Telnet (Teletype Network) use TCP to maintain reliable and secure connections between devices.


HTTPS (Hypertext transfer protocol secure)

  • Relation to TCP: HTTPS relies on TCP to ensure that the data sent between your browser and the website's server is transmitted reliably and in the correct order. TCP's error-checking and data sequencing features are crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of the information being exchanged.

FTP (File transfer protocol)

  • Relation to TCP: FTP uses TCP to manage file transfers between a client and a server. TCP ensures that the files are transferred without errors, even if they are large or the connection is slow, by breaking the data into packets and reassembling them correctly at the destination.

SMTP (Simple mail transfer protocol)

  • Relation to TCP: SMTP uses TCP to reliably send emails from your email client to the server and eventually to the recipient's server. TCP ensures that the entire message is delivered accurately, handling any packet loss or reordering that might occur during transmission.

In all these cases, TCP's reliability and error-correction capabilities are essential for the successful transmission of data.

User datagram protocol (UDP)

UDP, on the other hand, is a connectionless protocol that emphasizes speed over reliability. Unlike TCP, UDP does not establish a connection before transmitting data.

How UDP works

  1. No connection establishment: UDP sends data packets (datagrams) without establishing a connection first, which eliminates the overhead of connection setup.
  2. No reliability guarantee: UDP does not guarantee reliable data delivery. It does not retransmit lost packets, and there is no acknowledgment of received packets. This lack of reliability can lead to packet loss.
  3. Faster transmission: UDP’s simplicity and lack of connection establishment make it faster than TCP. It is ideal for applications that prioritize speed and can tolerate some data loss.
  4. No flow or Congestion control: UDP sends data at a constant rate without adjusting for network conditions, which can lead to potential network congestion.
  5. Minimal error checking: UDP includes basic error-checking mechanisms but does not offer the same level of error correction as TCP.

Workflow of User datagram protocol (UDP): How it works


  1. Live video/audio streaming: UDP is used for real-time services where speed is more critical than perfect accuracy, such as live broadcasts or VoIP (Internet Protocol television).
  2. Online gaming: UDP is used in many online multiplayer games where low latency is crucial, and occasional packet loss is tolerable.
  3. DNS (Domain name system) queries: UDP is used for quick, small data exchanges, like resolving domain names to IP addresses.
  4. IPTV (Internet protocol television): UDP is often used to stream television content over the internet.


  • VoIP (Voice over internet protocol)
    When you make a voice call using Skype or Zoom, UDP is often used to transmit your voice in real-time. A slight delay or loss of a few data packets won't disrupt the conversation, which makes UDP ideal for maintaining a smooth flow of communication.
  • Online multiplayer games
    While playing a game like "Fortnite" or "Call of Duty," UDP is used to send real-time updates between players and the game server. If a few data packets are lost, the game continues without noticeable interruptions, which is crucial for fast-paced action where every millisecond counts.
  • Live video streaming
    When watching a live sports event on platforms like ESPN+ or Twitch, UDP is used to deliver the video stream with minimal delay. If a few frames are lost, they are not retransmitted, ensuring that the live broadcast stays in sync with the real event, which is more important than perfect video quality.

The Role of TCP and UDP in video streaming

Video streaming involves transmitting large amounts of data in real time. The choice between TCP and UDP for video streaming depends on the specific requirements of the streaming application, such as reliability, speed, and latency.

TCP in video streaming

TCP is used in video streaming applications where reliability and data integrity are critical. It is commonly employed in the following scenarios:

  1. Video-on-demand (VoD): In VoD services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, users stream pre-recorded content. TCP’s reliability ensures that all video data is delivered accurately, providing high-quality playback. The video data can be buffered, allowing for smooth playback even if there are occasional delays due to network congestion or packet retransmission.
  2. Live streaming with low latency tolerance: For live streaming applications that can tolerate some latency, such as online classes or webinars, TCP is a suitable choice. It ensures that the video stream is delivered reliably, even if there is a slight delay.
  3. Adaptive bitrate streaming: TCP is used in adaptive bitrate streaming (ABR) protocols like HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH). These protocols adjust the video quality based on the viewer’s network conditions, using TCP’s reliability to deliver high-quality video segments.
    Click here to read more about HLS vs. DASH streaming protocols
  4. Content delivery networks (CDNs): TCP is widely used in CDNs, which distribute video content to users from geographically distributed servers. TCP’s reliability ensures that video content is delivered accurately, even over long distances.

UDP in video streaming

UDP is used in video streaming applications where speed and low latency are more important than absolute reliability. It is commonly employed in the following scenarios:

  1. Live streaming with low latency requirements: In live streaming applications such as sports broadcasts, gaming streams, and real-time communication, low latency is crucial. UDP’s fast transmission makes it ideal for these applications, as it minimizes delay and ensures that viewers receive the stream in real time.
  2. Interactive video applications: Applications like video conferencing and online gaming require low latency for interactive communication. UDP’s speed ensures that voice and video data are transmitted quickly, allowing for real-time interaction.
  3. Broadcast and multicast streaming: UDP is used for broadcasting and multicasting video streams to multiple recipients simultaneously. Since UDP does not establish connections with individual recipients, it can efficiently transmit data to a large audience.
  4. Real-time streaming protocol (RTSP): RTSP is a protocol used for controlling streaming media servers. It often relies on UDP for the actual data transmission, enabling low latency streaming and quick response times for user interactions.

TCP vs. UDP: Key Characteristics

Factors TCP UDP
Reliability High reliability with guaranteed delivery and error checking. Ideal for Video-on-Demand (VoD). No guarantee of delivery or error correction. Suitable for scenarios where some data loss is acceptable, like live broadcasts and interactive video.
Speed and latency Slower due to connection setup and congestion control, resulting in higher latency. Less suitable for real-time applications. Faster with low latency due to its connectionless nature. Ideal for real-time and interactive video streaming.
Bandwidth efficiency Consumes more bandwidth due to retransmissions and acknowledgments, which can lead to network overload. More efficient with bandwidth, as it doesn't retransmit lost packets, reducing the risk of network overload.
Use cases Best for VoD, non-interactive live streams, and adaptive bitrate streaming where reliability is crucial. Best for live broadcasts, video conferencing, and interactive gaming where low latency and speed are key.

Choosing between TCP and UDP for video streaming

The choice between TCP and UDP for video streaming depends on the specific requirements of the application:

  1. Reliability vs. latency: If reliability and data integrity are more important, TCP is the better choice. If low latency and speed are the priority, UDP is preferable.
  2. Application type: Consider the type of video streaming application. VoD services and non-interactive live streams benefit from TCP’s reliability. Real-time applications like live sports broadcasts and video conferencing benefit from UDP’s low latency.
  3. Network conditions: Assess the network conditions and capacity. In high-traffic networks, TCP’s congestion control can help maintain stability. In networks with low congestion, UDP can provide faster transmission.
  4. Quality of service (QoS): Consider the desired quality of service. TCP provides a consistent quality of service with guaranteed delivery, while UDP may result in variable quality due to packet loss.

Learning from examples and data

Netflix vs. Twitch

  • Netflix (TCP): According to a 2023 performance report, Netflix uses TCP for its VoD service to ensure smooth playback. TCP ensures almost 98% successful delivery rate for video content, minimizing buffering and enhancing viewer satisfaction.
  • Twitch (UDP): Twitch uses UDP for live streaming video games. A 2022 report highlighted that UDP's low latency allowed Twitch to deliver real-time streams with an average latency of just 1.5 seconds, compared to 4-5 seconds with TCP.

Statistical insight

  • Latency impact: A 2024 industry report found that UDP reduces latency by up to 60% compared to TCP in live streaming scenarios. This speed advantage is crucial for real-time interactions in gaming and live broadcasts.

Closing remarks

When it comes to video streaming, the choice between TCP and UDP boils down to your specific needs. TCP's reliability makes it ideal for high-quality video-on-demand (VoD) services, ensuring a smooth viewing experience by minimizing packet loss and buffering. On the other hand, UDP excels in live streaming and real-time communication, where low latency is crucial, allowing for faster data transmission even if it sacrifices some accuracy.  

For those looking to optimize their streaming needs, FastPix provides a complete solution. We handle the technical complexities in video technology, so you can focus more on providing great viewing experiences. Whether you're streaming live sports, online gaming, or interactive events, FastPix’s API for on-demand video and live streaming gives you the right balance between speed and reliability, making it an excellent choice for both broadcasters and developers building video-centric products.

Frequently asked questions

How does TCP handle network congestion?

TCP uses congestion control mechanisms to detect network congestion and slow down data transmission to prevent network overload and maintain stability.

How does UDP manage packet loss?

UDP does not handle packet loss; it does not retransmit lost packets or acknowledge receipt, which can lead to some data loss but allows for faster transmission.

Can I use TCP for live streaming?

Yes, TCP can be used for live streaming, but it may introduce higher latency compared to UDP. It is suitable for live streams where reliability is more important than speed.

How do TCP and UDP affect bandwidth usage?

TCP consumes more bandwidth due to retransmissions and acknowledgments, which can lead to network congestion. UDP is more bandwidth efficient as it does not retransmit lost packets.

How can I decide between TCP and UDP for a specific application?

Consider the application’s needs: use TCP if reliability and data integrity are crucial and use UDP if low latency and speed are more important.

Are there any emerging technologies that affect the use of TCP and UDP?

Yes, technologies like QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) and HTTP/3 are emerging and aim to combine the benefits of both TCP and UDP, offering improved performance and reduced latency.

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