How to fix slow video start?

September 6, 2024
7 Min
Video Engineering
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If a video takes more than two seconds to start, most users will simply move on. OTT platform like Netflix and Prime have recognized this and are using advanced technologies to ensure their videos load in the blink of an eye.

From predictive preloading to advanced streaming protocols, these platforms have set the standard for reducing video start times. But what can be done when videos take longer than expected to start? Let’s explore the root causes of video slow starts and the solutions to keep viewers engaged from the very first second.

processing buffering GIF by South Park

Root causes of video slow start

1. Network-induced latency

Network-induced latency is a major contributor to video slow starts. One critical factor is Round-Trip Time (RTT), which measures the time it takes for data to travel from your device to the server and back. High RTT, often caused by network congestion, increases the time required to load the initial video segment. Additionally, packet loss—where small chunks of data fail to reach their destination can force the system to resend information, further delaying video start-up. Tools like traceroutes and network monitoring applications can help diagnose these issues and provide insights into network performance.

2. Encoding and transcoding latency

The choice of codec significantly influences video start-up time. Advanced codecs like H.265 offer better compression but may introduce additional encoding delays. Another factor is the use of Constant Bitrate (CBR) versus Variable Bitrate (VBR). CBR provides a consistent rate, which can facilitate faster start-up, while VBR adjusts based on video complexity, potentially leading to slower starts but better overall quality. Choosing the right codec and bitrate strategy based on your specific requirements can balance quality and start-up time effectively.

Video start-up time comparison: CBR vs VBR

This graph compares the start-up times for videos encoded using two different strategies: Constant Bitrate (CBR) and Variable Bitrate (VBR). It looks at how long it takes for a video to start playing at different resolutions: 480p, 720p, 1080p, and 4K.

  • CBR (Green bars) tends to have faster start times because it keeps the data rate steady, making it quicker for the system to start playing the video.
  • VBR (Purple bars) can lead to slightly slower starts, especially at higher resolutions like 4K, because it adjusts the bitrate based on the video’s complexity, requiring a bit more processing.

As the resolution increases, both CBR and VBR show longer start times, but VBR typically takes a little longer than CBR.

3. Buffering strategies

Buffering involves pre-loading a portion of the video before playback begins. The initial buffer fill policy dictates how much of the video is buffered beforehand. A larger buffer size can increase the start-up delay, while adaptive streaming protocols like DASH and HLS dynamically adjust video quality based on network conditions, balancing start-up time with smooth playback. However, poor network conditions can still impact performance. Using diagrams to illustrate buffering strategies can help visualize the impact of different policies.

4. Content delivery network (CDN) factors

CDNs are important for quick video content delivery. When a CDN cache miss occurs meaning the content isn't available at the nearest server and must be fetched from the origin this can cause noticeable delays. Videos cached at edge servers (closer to the viewer) reduce latency compared to those stored at central CDN nodes. Examples of popular CDN providers and their cache management approaches can offer additional insights into optimizing content delivery.

Advanced techniques to reduce start-up latency

1. Optimizing video encoding pipelines

Improving video encoding pipelines can reduce start-up time. Low-latency encoding techniques involve using faster presents during encoding, which speeds up the delivery of the first frames. Adjusting quantization, which controls the amount of detail retained, can also speed things up without sacrificing too much quality. Additionally, tweaking the GOP (Group of Pictures) structure defining how video frames are grouped for compression can reduce latency, as smaller GOP sizes allow faster access to key frames. Specific examples of encoding tools and settings for low-latency encoding can provide practical guidance.

2. Buffering strategy enhancements

An approach to buffering can help minimize delays. By adjusting buffer size based on real-time network conditions, such as available bandwidth, systems can optimize data pre-loading before video playback. Predictive analytics and machine learning models can anticipate buffer underruns and preload data in advance to prevent interruptions.  

3. Network optimization and CDN strategies

Low-latency CDNs using regional edge nodes can significantly reduce start-up times by bringing content closer to the viewer. Multi-CDN strategies, using multiple CDNs for optimal route selection and load balancing, ensure content is delivered through the fastest network path. Examples of how companies implement these strategies can provide further insights into effective content delivery.

4. Protocol-level enhancements

Next-gen protocols like HTTP/3 and QUIC offer significant improvements in reducing video start-up latency. These protocols minimize the initial handshake time between servers and clients and provide faster packet recovery in case of data loss. SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) helps reduce head-of-line blocking, allowing smoother data flow and faster start-up. A comparison table of different protocols highlighting their strengths and weaknesses can offer a clearer perspective.

Preloading and prefetching techniques

1. Video preload strategies

Segment prefetching, which involves preloading small chunks of video data before playback, is an effective technique for reducing start-up latency, especially for Video on Demand (VOD). Using preload hints in HTML5, such as <link rel="preload">, tells the browser to prioritize loading specific video resources, making critical parts of the video load faster. Including a code snippet demonstrating how to use these preload hints can provide practical reference for developers.

Using preload hints in HTML5 video

This graph visually demonstrates that using preload hints, especially the "Preload Auto" option, can effectively reduce video start times, enhancing the user experience.

  • In the "No Preload" scenario, the start time remains the same regardless of preload hints, as no hints are used.
  • In the "Preload Metadata" scenario, using preload hints reduces the start time slightly.
  • In the "Preload Auto" scenario, preload hints significantly reduce the start time, indicating that preloading the entire video is effective in minimizing start delays.

2. Optimizing initial media requests

Optimizing initial media requests involves strategies to minimize DNS lookup time, TCP connection time, and the time to deliver the first video segment. Reducing these early-stage times helps videos start faster by cutting down on communication overhead. A/B testing different preload configurations can help find the optimal setup for specific environments, leading to improved performance based on real-world data.

Technologies to handle start time better

1. Adoption of low-latency streaming protocols

Low-latency streaming protocols, such as Low-Latency HLS (LL-HLS) and Low-Latency DASH (LL-DASH), are increasingly popular for reducing the delay between video request and playback. These protocols support near-real-time video delivery, ideal for live streaming applications. Deploying WebRTC in live streaming offers ultra-low latency but comes with challenges such as network instability. Addressing these issues with proper tuning and infrastructure support can enhance real-time performance.

2. Real-time adaptive bitrate (ABR) algorithms

Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) algorithms, like BOLA (Buffer Occupancy-based Approach) and FESTIVE, dynamically adjust video quality based on real-time network conditions. These algorithms ensure that video adapts to fluctuating network speeds, balancing quality with start-up speed. Describing these algorithms with technical detail or use cases can show their practical implementation and benefits.

3. Intelligent CDN selection is key to improving video start times by delivering content more efficiently. It works by choosing the best CDN based on factors like user location, network conditions, and server performance. This approach reduces delays and speeds up content delivery. By directing users to the closest servers and balancing the load, it cuts down on physical distance and avoids overloading any one server. Predictive load management helps manage traffic spikes by adjusting resources in advance, while using multiple CDNs ensures flexibility and backup. Performance analytics further refine this process by allowing real-time adjustments based on current performance, ensuring videos start quickly and reliably.

Optimization for different devices and environments

1. Device-specific optimizations

Video streaming techniques should adapt to different devices, such as mobile phones, desktops, or smart TVs. Implementing responsive bitrate ladders that adjust video quality based on device capabilities and screen resolution can improve loading times and performance. Custom buffer settings can also be fine-tuned for each device to balance start-up speed with playback stability.

2. Network-specific tuning

Different network environments require tailored delivery approaches. For example, 5G networks offer high speeds and low latency, allowing for higher-quality streaming with minimal delay. In contrast, Wi-Fi or satellite networks may need different optimizations to handle unpredictable bandwidth or higher latency. Using edge analytics to adapt delivery strategies based on network conditions ensures a smoother experience regardless of the viewer’s location.

Monitoring, profiling, and continuous improvement

1. Instrumentation and profiling tools

Real-time monitoring is essential for diagnosing and addressing performance issues. Tools like FFmpeg for encoding analysis, Wireshark for network traffic monitoring, and custom telemetry solutions allow developers to track video start-up times and identify latency sources. Profiling start-up times under various conditions helps pinpoint issues affecting different user environments.

2. Continuous A/B testing and feedback Loops

Improving video start-up time requires ongoing A/B testing and data-driven refinement. Automated testing frameworks enable experimentation with different configurations and streaming techniques. Coupling this with user feedback and machine learning models ensures optimizations are informed by real-world data and evolving network conditions.

Use cases with solutions

1. Streaming service provider

A streaming service provider faces complaints about long video start times, impacting user satisfaction and engagement.

  • Root cause analysis: Check network-induced latency, encoding, and transcoding latency to identify the main sources of delay.
  • Optimization techniques:
    • Implement low-latency encoding settings and fine-tune GOP structures.
    • Adopt adaptive bitrate algorithms like BOLA and FESTIVE.
    • Use Multi-CDN strategies for efficient content delivery.
    • Deploy Low-Latency HLS (LL-HLS) to reduce start-up delays.

Outcome: Addressing these issues and applying advanced techniques leads to significantly reduced video start times, improving user experience and retention rates.

2. Live sports streaming

A sports streaming service needs to deliver live video with minimal latency to enhance viewer engagement during live events.

  • Root cause analysis: Assess CDN factors, network-induced latency, and protocol-level enhancements.
  • Optimization techniques:
    • Adopt Low-Latency DASH (LL-DASH) and WebRTC.
    • Implement regional edge nodes in CDNs.
    • Use HTTP/3 and QUIC protocols for faster handshake and packet recovery.

Outcome: The service provides near real-time video delivery, enhancing the live sports viewing experience and maintaining high viewer engagement.

3. E-commerce platform with product videos

An e-commerce platform with high-quality product videos needs fast start times to enhance shopping experience and reduce bounce rates.

  • Root cause analysis: Examine encoding and preloading strategies.
  • Optimization techniques:
    • Optimize video encoding pipelines with faster presents and tuned quantization.
    • Use preload hints in HTML5 to prioritize video loading.
    • Implement A/B testing to find the best preload configuration.

Outcome: Faster video start times improve user experience and potentially increase conversion rates by allowing quick viewing of product details.

4. Educational webinar platform

A webinar platform needs to improve playback time for recorded webinars and live sessions, especially in areas with varying network conditions.

  • Root cause analysis: Focus on buffering strategies and network-specific tuning.
  • Optimization techniques:
    • Implement adaptive buffering strategies.
    • Use edge analytics to adapt delivery based on network conditions.

Outcome: The platform provides smoother playback across diverse environments, leading to better engagement and fewer complaints about video delays.

Summing Up

Getting video start times right is essential for creating a smooth user experience. By addressing common causes like network delays, encoding issues, buffering, and CDN performance, you can make videos start much faster. Using advanced techniques like low-latency streaming, adaptive bitrate algorithms, and device-specific optimizations helps improve performance across the board.

FastPix makes this process easier by offering tools that optimized video delivery, from speeding up encoding to using multiple CDNs for faster load times. When paired with ongoing monitoring and testing, these strategies keep your video start times fast and reliable. This not only keeps users engaged but also boosts long-term viewer satisfaction.

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