What is Video Start Failure (VSF) in streaming? Causes and solutions

September 6, 2024
8 Min
Video Data
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When I was a kid, our TV remote had a mind of its own. Most of the time, it worked fine, but every so often, no matter how many times you pressed the power button, the TV would not turn on. My family would joke that the remote was taking a day off. We would sit there pressing the button over and over, sometimes even changing the batteries just to get it to work. Well, it did not fail every time; often 1 out of every 10 tries but it was enough to make it annoying, especially when you just wanted to sit down and watch your favorite show. That 10% of the time when the remote did not work was enough to make us start thinking about getting a new one.  

That experience is a lot like video start failure. Imagine if, every time you tried to start a video, it failed to load 10% of the time, just like our remote failing to turn on the TV. It is not just an occasional issue it is a persistent problem that interrupts your experience and makes you question the reliability of the service. Just as we considered replacing our remote, too many video start failures might make you consider switching to a more reliable video streaming platform.

Video start failure is a key metric that measures the percentage of playback attempts that fail before the first frame of video is displayed, relative to the total number of playback attempts. This is crucial for developers integrating video functionality into their applications, specifically those utilizing video APIs for online video streaming.

Why is addressing VSF important?

While exact statistics vary by platform and region, VSF typically impacts user experience significantly, especially if the failure rate is high.

For example, Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, two major streaming platforms, closely monitor and work to minimize VSF to maintain user satisfaction. A small percentage of VSF, say around 1-2%, might seem trivial but can translate to millions of failed attempts given their vast user bases. Reducing VSF is crucial as it directly affects user retention and overall satisfaction with the service.

High VSF percentages can lead to increased customer churn, as users may become frustrated with repeated failures to start videos and switch to more reliable platforms.

Given that Netflix has over 260 million subscribers and Amazon Prime Video over 150 million, even a small percentage of VSF can affect millions of users globally.

Causes of video start failure

The percentage of video start failures (VSF) can be influenced by several factors, including network conditions, device capabilities, content delivery methods, and user settings. These elements interact in complex ways, affecting the ability of a video to start smoothly. Below are the various causes that can lead to video start failures:

Network issues

  • Poor internet connectivity: Slow or unstable internet connections can prevent the video from loading properly.
  • High latency: Delays in data transmission can cause timeouts or buffering issues that lead to playback failures.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) problems

  • Server overload: If the CDN is overloaded or experiencing technical issues, it may fail to deliver the video data promptly.
  • Geographical distribution: Poor distribution of CDN servers can lead to slower load times and increased chances of failure in certain regions.

Device or browser incompatibility

  • Outdated software: Older versions of browsers or operating systems may not support the latest video codecs or streaming technologies.
  • Device limitations: Some devices may not have the processing power or memory to handle high-definition video streams, leading to failures.

Streaming platform issues

  • Server-side errors: Problems with the streaming service’s backend, such as database errors or application bugs, can prevent videos from starting.
  • Poorly optimized video encoding: Videos not properly encoded for streaming can cause failures, especially on certain devices or network conditions.

User-side problems

  • Incorrect settings: User settings, such as ad-blockers or privacy settings, can interfere with video playback.
  • Low battery or power-saving modes: On mobile devices, power-saving modes can limit performance, causing video start failures.

Ad integration issues

  • Pre-roll ads: If there is a problem with the ad server or the ad itself, the video might fail to start after the ad plays (or fails to play).
  • Ad-blockers: When ad-blockers interfere with pre-roll ads, they can also prevent the video from starting.

Buffering and caching problems

  • Insufficient buffering: If the video does not buffer enough data before starting, it may fail to play.
  • Cache corruption: Issues with caching, either on the server or client side, can lead to failures in video playback.

Authentication and authorization failures

  • User authentication errors: If the user is not properly authenticated, the video may not start.
  • Subscription or licensing issues: Problems with content licensing or user subscription status can prevent videos from loading.

These factors highlight the complex interplay between network conditions, device capabilities, and service performance that can contribute to video start failures.

Causes of video start failure (VSF)

As a developer how can we optimize the video API to address VSF?

From a video API perspective, mitigating video start failure (VSF) involves ensuring that the API is designed and implemented to handle various edge cases and performance issues effectively. Here are strategies tailored for a video API to reduce VSF:

Efficient API design and implementation

  • Asynchronous operations: Implement non-blocking, asynchronous operations in the API to ensure that video start requests do not get held up by other processes. This reduces latency and improves response times.
  • Retry mechanism: Incorporate a robust retry mechanism in the API to automatically attempt video playback again if the first attempt fails due to transient issues like temporary network drops.
  • Error handling: Design the API with comprehensive error handling that can identify, log, and respond to various failure scenarios (e.g., network errors, codec incompatibility) to provide users with feedback or alternative options.

Content delivery and network optimization

  • Edge server integration: Ensure the API supports integration with CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) and edge servers. This minimizes the distance between the user and the server, reducing latency and improving video start times.
  • Dynamic content routing: Use the API to dynamically route video requests to the nearest or least congested CDN node, based on real-time network conditions, to avoid delays.

Caching and preloading mechanisms

  • Preload API calls: Enable API calls that can preload a portion of the video data before playback is initiated, reducing the time to the first frame.
  • Smart caching: Implement caching strategies through the API that store frequently accessed video metadata or content, reducing the need for repeated API calls and speeding up video starts.

Device and platform compatibility

  • Adaptive responses: Design the API to detect the device type, operating system, and browser version, and return the appropriate video format and bitrate to ensure compatibility and reduce playback failures.
  • Fallback solutions: If the API detects an incompatible device or browser, it should offer fallback solutions, such as lower-resolution streams or alternative formats that are more likely to start successfully.

Ad management and integration

  • Ad API synchronization: Ensure that the API handles the synchronization between ad servers and video content servers smoothly. If ads are involved, the API should prioritize the seamless loading of ads to avoid delays in video start times.
  • Handling Ad blockers: The API should be designed to gracefully handle scenarios where ad blockers are detected, potentially bypassing the ad request, and starting the video directly to prevent failures.

Monitoring and analytics

  • Real-time metrics collection: The API should include hooks for collecting real-time metrics on video start times, buffer health, and error rates, allowing for proactive monitoring and quick response to issues.
  • Logging and alerts: Implement detailed logging within the API for all video start requests and set up alerts for when VSF rates exceed acceptable thresholds. This helps in quickly identifying and addressing root causes.

Authentication and authorization handling

  • Streamlined authentication: Ensure that the API efficiently handles user authentication and authorization checks without introducing unnecessary delays. This might involve token-based authentication or session management strategies that minimize the time spent validating user credentials.
  • Session persistence: Use the API to maintain persistent sessions where appropriate, reducing the need for repeated authentication checks and speeding up video starts.

By focusing on these areas, a video API can significantly reduce the likelihood of Video Start Failure, providing a smoother and more reliable user experience. These strategies ensure that the API is not just a backend service but an active participant in optimizing video delivery and playback.

Different use cases and how API can solve it

1. Video streaming platform optimization:

  • Use case: A popular video streaming service experiences high levels of video start failure due to network variability across different regions.
  • API application: By implementing asynchronous operations and dynamic content routing in their API, the platform can better manage network congestion, rerouting video requests to the nearest or least congested CDN node. This reduces latency and improves the chances of a successful video start, enhancing user experience globally.

2. Ad-supported video content:

  • Use case: An ad-supported video platform faces frequent video start failures due to ad blockers interfering with pre-roll ads.
  • API application: The platform’s API can detect the presence of ad blockers and automatically bypass ad requests to start the video directly. Additionally, the API’s ad synchronization mechanism ensures that when ads are played, they do not delay the start of the main content, reducing the overall VSF rate.

3. Mobile streaming on limited networks:

  • Use case: A mobile streaming app is struggling with high VSF rates, particularly on devices connected to slow or unstable networks.
  • API application: The app’s API could implement smart caching and preload strategies to buffer video content before playback begins, especially on networks with known issues. Additionally, adaptive responses can ensure that lower-bitrate streams are delivered to devices on poor connections, reducing the likelihood of start failures.

4. Enterprise video solutions:

  • Use case: A corporate video communication platform used for internal training and meetings reports frequent video start failures during high-traffic periods.
  • API application: The API can integrate edge server solutions to minimize the distance between the corporate servers and employees, reducing the time it takes to start videos. Retry mechanisms can be built into the API to automatically reattempt video starts if the first attempt fails due to transient issues like network drops.

5. E-learning platforms:

  • Use case: An online education platform encounters video start failures, particularly on older student devices with outdated browsers.
  • API application: By implementing device and platform compatibility checks in the API, the platform can ensure that videos are delivered in formats and bitrates compatible with older devices. The API can also provide fallback solutions, offering lower-resolution streams or alternative formats to ensure videos start successfully, regardless of device limitations.

6. Live event streaming:

  • Use case: A live event streaming service experiences high VSF rates during major events due to server overload and high user demand.
  • API application: The API can utilize dynamic content routing to distribute traffic more evenly across multiple servers, preventing overloads. Additionally, the API’s monitoring and analytics tools can provide real-time insights into server performance, enabling quick adjustments to minimize failures during critical events.

7. User-generated content platforms:

  • Use case: A platform that allows users to upload and share videos faces start failures because of poorly encoded user-generated content.
  • API application: The platform’s API can automatically detect and re-encode videos that are not optimized for streaming, ensuring compatibility across devices and networks. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of video start failures caused by user-uploaded content.


Video start failure (VSF) can be a frustrating issue that disrupts the viewing experience, leading to dissatisfaction among users. But it can resolve if implemented strategies such as optimizing network delivery, ensuring device compatibility, and managing ads effectively. These approaches help reduce VSF, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable video experience.

At FastPix we try to solve video challenges with features like adaptive bitrate streaming, it ensures that users receive the best video quality based on their network conditions, effectively minimizing the risk of VSF. Additionally, FastPix provides advanced analytics tools that deliver valuable insights into viewer behaviour, allowing developers to make informed decisions. By integrating FastPix into your video delivery workflow, you can eliminate start failures and create a seamless viewing experience for your audience.

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