Low latency

Low latency

Latency is the time or delay between action and results. With growing technologies, consumer are used to real time results, they except to have immediate response when they perform an action, latency is one of the top reasons why consumer can leave using a product or application.

Latency are calculated in milliseconds and the closer to zero the better, it is recommend to reduce the latency to the maximum for the best user experience. In audio and video even a single second of latency can ruined an experience  so it’s important to acquire Low latency.

Low latency implies minimizing the time involved. the criteria for achieving "low latency" exhibit significant variability, influenced by the specific application, user expectations, and adherence to industry standards.

What is a video latency?

Video latency is the measure of the delay between the initiation of a video stream transfer request and the actual commencement of the transfer. Networks characterized by minimal delays are termed low-latency networks, whereas those with more substantial delays are labelled high-latency networks.

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