Using multimodal AI to index your DAM

September 27, 2024
10 Min
In-Video AI
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Digital Asset Management (DAM) is a system that helps organizations store, organize, and retrieve digital assets like images, videos, audio files, and documents. As the volume of digital content increases, maintaining an efficient asset library becomes essential. A strong DAM system offers a centralized repository, enabling teams to collaborate effectively and streamline workflows.

However, as asset numbers rise, quickly finding the right content can be challenging. Traditional search methods often depend on file names and basic metadata, complicating the retrieval of specific files.

How does digital asset management (DAM) works

This is where multimodal AI comes in. By integrating advanced artificial intelligence, a DAM system can greatly enhance its capabilities. Multimodal AI processes multiple data types simultaneously such as video, audio, images, and text allowing users to search based on video content, spoken words, or even emotions conveyed in media.

With multimodal AI, content discovery becomes faster and more accurate. It organizes files and understands their context, enabling teams to retrieve assets with ease and efficiency. This technology optimizes asset management and unlocks the full potential of digital asset libraries.

What is multimodal AI?

Multimodal AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can process and understand multiple types of data at the same time. For example, while traditional AI might only work with text or images, multimodal AI can handle text, images, video, and audio all together, making sense of how these different formats relate to each other.

Imagine you're a software developer working on a video streaming platform, and you need to quickly locate specific moments across hours of video content to create highlights or generate metadata. Instead of searching through file names or relying on manual annotations, multimodal AI allows you to index and retrieve moments based on real content.

For example, you could search for a specific scene where a user interface is being demonstrated or detect when technical jargon is mentioned in audio. The AI can analyze the video visually, recognize on-screen text, and transcribe spoken words all at once, helping you build features like dynamic search or automated highlight reels with minimal manual effort. This streamlines workflows and improves how efficiently your platform handles large volumes of media.

What is Multimodal AI

Multimodal AI vs. Generative AI: Understanding the difference

As you explore how AI can enhance your digital asset management system, it's important to understand the distinction between multimodal AI and generative AI. Both represent groundbreaking advancements in artificial intelligence, but they serve very different purposes.

While Multimodal AI is focused on analyzing and understanding content from various formats—such as text, audio, images, and video—generative AI is designed to create new content. Let’s break it down:

  • Multimodal AI enhances how we search, retrieve, and organize digital assets by connecting information across different media types. Whether you're searching for an image using text-based keywords or looking for specific moments in a video based on its audio content, multimodal AI allows for cross-format understanding, streamlining content discovery and improving accuracy. In the context of a DAM system, multimodal AI is invaluable for users who manage complex and diverse asset libraries.
  • On the other hand, generative AI is all about creating. It takes existing data, learns patterns, and generates entirely new content based on those patterns. This can range from producing human-like text (as seen in GPT models) to creating realistic images from text descriptions (such as DALL·E). In creative fields like marketing, design, or entertainment, generative AI is used to produce fresh, original material—whether it's articles, images, or even music.

How generative AI works

When it comes to managing your digital assets, multimodal AI gives you the power to search and retrieve across different formats, ensuring you can find exactly what you're looking for, even within complex, multi-layered media files.

Why should you use multimodal AI to index your DAM?

Indexing in a DAM system means organizing files in a way that makes them easy to search and retrieve. Multimodal AI brings several key advantages to this process:

Better search results

Multimodal AI doesn’t just rely on the name or description of a file. It analyzes content deeply recognizing objects in images, understanding spoken words in videos, and capturing emotions in audio. This enables more precise search results based on actual content rather than just metadata.

Automatic tagging

Manually tagging assets can be labor-intensive and prone to inconsistencies. Multimodal AI automates this by assigning relevant tags to files instantly, ensuring that every image, video, and document is accurately labeled. This saves time and boosts consistency across your entire digital asset library.

Improved accuracy

By recognizing subtle details like tone, expressions, and visual themes, multimodal AI reduces the chances of misclassifying assets. This higher accuracy leads to more reliable search results, ensuring that users can quickly find exactly what they need without sorting through irrelevant files.

Search by multiple criteria

Multimodal AI combines various formats, allowing for more flexible searches. For example, you can search for an image featuring a “sunset” while filtering results by specific text metadata. This multi-layered search capability gives users more refined and targeted results, enhancing asset discoverability.

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How can multimodal AI index your DAM system?

Indexing in a DAM system is all about making your digital files—whether they are images, videos, audio, or documents—easy to organize, search, and retrieve. With multimodal AI, this process becomes smarter, faster, and more accurate. Here's an overview of how multimodal AI transforms the indexing process:

Ingesting multiple data types

Multimodal AI starts by analyzing all the different formats of your digital assets simultaneously. When a video, image, or audio file is added to your DAM, the AI doesn’t just look at the metadata. It actively processes the content inside the asset—scanning for text, identifying objects in images, analyzing the spoken words in audio files, and detecting themes or emotions in videos.

Automated tagging and metadata creation

Traditionally, tagging assets manually is time-consuming and inconsistent. Multimodal AI can automatically assign tags to assets based on their actual content. It can recognize objects in images, transcribe conversations in audio or video files, and even summarize events or scenes. For example, in a product video, it can tag key moments like “product demo” or “customer testimonial” based on the context and visual cues.

Building a rich index

The AI then builds a rich index that goes far beyond basic metadata. It creates a deep understanding of the asset's content, linking visuals with text and audio, and categorizing them into relevant themes or topics. For instance, a video could be indexed based on who’s speaking, the subjects being discussed, or the mood portrayed.

Search and retrieval across modalities

When you search for assets, multimodal AI taps into this deep index to provide highly relevant results. Whether you're searching for a video clip based on the dialogue, an image with specific visual elements, or an audio file with a certain emotion or tone, the AI pulls together results that match what you're looking for—across all formats.

Cross-modal connections

The real power of multimodal AI comes from its ability to connect different formats in a meaningful way. If you search for an image that conveys a “happy” emotion, the AI might pull up a video clip where a character is smiling, and the tone of voice matches the desired mood. This cross-modal understanding allows the AI to provide more nuanced and accurate search results, making your DAM far more intuitive and effective.

By leveraging multimodal AI for indexing, your DAM system evolves from a basic file repository into an intelligent tool that understands and connects all the different layers of your digital content. This results in better searchability, automated organization, and ultimately, a more efficient workflow for your teams.

How can multimodal AI unlock the full potential of your DAM?

As digital asset libraries continue to grow, one of the most pressing challenges is finding the right content quickly and efficiently. Multimodal AI addresses this challenge head-on, revolutionizing content discovery by enabling searches across all file formats—text, image, video, and audio—simultaneously. Here’s how multimodal AI is transforming digital asset management systems:

Enhanced content discovery with multimodal AI

One of the biggest challenges in managing large asset libraries is content discovery. Multimodal AI allows you to search across all file formats simultaneously, improving your ability to locate the right asset quickly. For example, you can search for a scene in a video where a particular emotion is expressed or retrieve an image with specific visual elements. This depth of content discovery goes far beyond traditional metadata-based search, giving you more control over your assets.

The role of natural language processing in multimodal AI

Natural Language Processing (NLP) plays a crucial role in multimodal AI, enabling the AI to understand human language in both text and spoken formats. With NLP, the AI can transcribe conversations in videos and audio clips, making spoken content searchable. This is particularly useful in industries that generate large amounts of dialogue-based content, such as media companies or corporate training environments. Now, you can search for keywords in conversations, making it easier to find exactly what you're looking for in minutes.

Cross-modal understanding

A standout feature of multimodal AI is its ability to connect and relate different types of data. For instance, in a video, the AI can correlate facial expressions with the tone of voice, allowing it to understand not only what is being said but how it is being conveyed emotionally. This cross-modal understanding opens new possibilities for industries like film editing, where detecting emotion and tone in video assets can significantly streamline post-production workflows.

Customizing DAM for industry-specific use cases

Multimodal AI-powered DAM systems can be customized for different industries. For instance, in healthcare, AI can analyze medical images and patient records together to provide more comprehensive insights. In retail, it can help e-commerce platforms identify products based on visual attributes like color or style. By tailoring the AI to your specific business needs, you can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your DAM system.

Developer tips and best practices for implementing multimodal AI in DAM

Choosing the right model

  • Transformer models (e.g., BERT, CLIP): Ideal for cross-modal analysis, such as linking text to images or video.
  • CNNs: Best for visual data like image recognition and video frame analysis.
  • RNNs/LSTMs: Effective for sequential data like speech in video/audio.
  • Fusion techniques: Combine data from multiple modalities to provide a comprehensive understanding.

Tip: Match the model to your data type and use case.

Optimizing models for performance

  • Frameworks: Use tensorflow or pytorch for efficient training and deployment.
  • Hardware acceleration: Utilize GPUs or TPUs to speed up processing.
  • Batch processing: Process assets in batches to reduce latency.

Tip: Use mixed-precision training to boost performance without losing accuracy.


  • Microservices: Use a microservices architecture to scale individual components.
  • Cloud & edge computing: Leverage cloud for large-scale tasks, and edge computing for real-time indexing.
  • Distributed systems: Implement distributed training and inference for large datasets.

Tip: Design for horizontal scaling to handle growing data volumes efficiently.

By following these tips, developers can create scalable, high-performance multimodal AI systems for DAM.

Use case scenarios for Multimodal AI in DAM

To make multimodal AI more tangible, let’s look at real-world scenarios where it’s being applied successfully across industries. These examples showcase how the integration of text, images, video, and audio into a cohesive system can solve complex problems, streamline workflows, and deliver significant value.

Media and entertainment

In the media and entertainment industry, managing vast video libraries is a constant challenge. Production houses and broadcasters deal with hours of footage, outtakes, and live broadcasts that need to be efficiently indexed and retrieved. Multimodal AI plays a pivotal role in this process by combining:

  • Video content analysis: AI models extract key scenes or actions from video footage.
  • Speech-to-text transcription: Converting spoken dialogue into searchable text.
  • Image recognition: Automatically detecting objects, people, or even logos within the video frames.

For instance, a production company could use multimodal AI to quickly search through a year’s worth of news footage by combining dialogue transcripts, facial recognition of interviewees, and visual metadata to find specific clips. This accelerates the editing process, making it possible to produce content in a fraction of the time.


In e-commerce, the ability to provide precise and visually rich search results is critical. Multimodal AI enhances product search functionality by combining different types of media:

  • Image recognition: AI can analyze product images, identifying unique features such as color, shape, or brand logos.
  • Text data: Descriptions, product specifications, and user reviews provide contextual information.
  • Video reviews: User-generated content in the form of video reviews can be indexed based on spoken content, providing valuable insights that go beyond text reviews.

For example, a customer searching for a "red leather handbag" can be shown products not only based on the text description but also on visual analysis of product images and video reviews. This improves the accuracy and relevance of search results, enhancing user experience and increasing conversion rates.

Educational platforms

In education, video content is widely used for lectures, tutorials, and presentations. With the amount of educational material available growing exponentially, finding specific content within videos becomes a challenge. Multimodal AI enables advanced search capabilities by:

  • Speech analysis: AI can transcribe lectures, making it possible to search for keywords or topics discussed.
  • Slide detection: Detecting and indexing visual elements like PowerPoint slides or graphs shown during a presentation.
  • Facial recognition: Identifying speakers or lecturers to tag and organize content.

For instance, a student looking to review a specific concept in a 90-minute lecture can search for that term and be directed to the exact moment in the video where it was discussed, making learning more efficient.


Healthcare data is diverse and includes various types of media, such as medical images, patient records, and video consultations. Multimodal AI can be applied to integrate and index this data effectively:

  • Image analysis: AI models can recognize patterns in medical imaging (e.g., X-rays, MRIs) to assist with diagnosis.
  • Text processing: Patient records and clinical notes can be indexed for quick retrieval during consultations.
  • Video consultations: Analyzing video content to detect non-verbal cues, facial expressions, or even pain levels.

For example, multimodal AI could enable a system where doctors can search through a patient's entire medical history, including video consultations and diagnostic images, to provide more accurate and timely diagnoses.


Multimodal AI can completely change how you manage digital content in your DAM. It speeds up finding the right assets, automates repetitive tasks, and uncovers insights from media that would be hard to get manually. This AI-driven approach makes your DAM smarter and more efficient, setting you up for success in managing content at scale.

With FastPix, our video API equips developers with AI-driven features that streamline content management. From in-video object detection that tags and identifies elements automatically, to conversational and text-in-video search that brings precise dialogue and text retrieval at your fingertips, managing video content becomes smooth. You can also use logo detection and speaker diarization for brand recognition and distinguishing speakers, ensuring organized and accessible media. These features enhance content discoverability and provide an efficient, developer-friendly solution to working with video at scale.

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