RTMP vs. HLS: Choosing the right streaming protocol

September 13, 2024
Live Streaming
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If you’re venturing into video streaming, you’ve probably encountered two acronyms that pop up quite often: RTMP and HLS. These are protocols mostly used in live streaming. They might sound a bit technical but understanding them is crucial for anyone looking to stream video content effectively. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into what RTMP and HLS are, how they compare, and which one might be best for your particular use case.

What is RTMP?

RTMP or Real-Time Messaging Protocol developed by Adobe in the late 1990s, was initially designed to work with Adobe Flash Player, which was the dominant platform for streaming video content back in the day. Although Flash is now largely obsolete, RTMP remains a key player in the streaming world.

How RTMP Works

RTMP is a protocol used for streaming audio, video, and data over the internet. It operates over TCP, which ensures that data packets are delivered reliably and in the correct order. RTMP’s core strength lies in its low-latency performance, which means there’s minimal delay between the live event and what viewers see on their screens. This makes it an excellent choice for live streaming events where real-time interaction is crucial.

How RTMP protocol works in live video streaming: Workflow

This image illustrates the workflow of a typical live streaming setup using RTMP protocol. The process starts with a video source being fed into an encoder. The encoder converts the raw video signal into a compressed digital format suitable for transmission. This encoded stream is then sent to the RTMP server, which acts as a central hub for live streams. From the server, the stream is distributed via two primary paths: one to a CDN (Content Delivery Network) for global delivery and the other to a video gateway for local distribution. The CDN ensures that the live stream reaches viewers around the world with minimal latency, while the video gateway allows for local viewers to access the stream without relying on the CDN. Both the CDN and the video gateway utilize the RTMP protocol to receive and deliver the live stream

Advantages of RTMP

  1. Low Latency: One of RTMP’s most notable features is its low latency. This is especially important for live events, such as sports broadcasts or interactive webinars, where a slight delay can affect the viewer's experience. RTMP can deliver content with latency as low as a few seconds, making it ideal for situations where timing is critical.
  2. Stable Performance: RTMP is known for its reliability. It’s well-suited for environments with stable network conditions, where its performance remains consistent. This stability is crucial for live broadcasts where any hiccup in streaming can disrupt the entire event.
  3. Stream Quality: RTMP supports high-quality streaming with minimal buffering, given that the network conditions are optimal. This ensures that viewers receive a smooth and uninterrupted video experience.

Drawbacks of RTMP

  1. Flash Dependency: RTMP was closely tied to Adobe Flash, which has been phased out from modern web browsers and devices. As a result, RTMP is no longer as widely supported as it once was. This can limit its use in contemporary streaming scenarios where Flash is not an option.
  2. Limited Mobile Compatibility: RTMP’s reliance on Flash also means that it is less compatible with mobile devices. Many mobile browsers and apps have moved away from Flash support, making RTMP less ideal for mobile streaming.
  3. Complex Setup: Setting up RTMP can be more complex compared to newer streaming protocols. It often requires additional configuration and maintenance to ensure smooth operation.

What is RTMPS?

  • RTMPS is essentially an enhanced version of RTMP, where the 'S' stands for 'Secure'.  
  • RTMPS adds an extra layer of security to the RTMP protocol by utilizing SSL/TLS encryption.

How RTMPS Works

RTMPS operates similarly to RTMP but with encrypted data transmission. By leveraging SSL/TLS, RTMPS ensures that the data streamed is protected against eavesdropping and tampering. This added security is particularly valuable when streaming sensitive or confidential content.

Key Advantages of RTMPS

  1. Enhanced Security: The primary benefit of RTMPS is its encryption. SSL/TLS protects your data, making it ideal for streams that require heightened security and compliance with data protection regulations.
  2. Secure Transmission: The encryption provided by RTMPS helps safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of your stream, which is crucial for sensitive content.

Drawbacks of RTMPS

  1. Slightly Increased Latency: The encryption process can introduce a minor increase in latency compared to RTMP. While this delay is generally minimal, it might be a consideration for applications where ultra-low latency is critical.
  2. Compatibility Requirements: RTMPS requires SSL/TLS support from both the client and server. This might not always be available, depending on your streaming infrastructure.
  3. Performance Overhead: The added encryption can introduce some performance overhead, potentially impacting streaming quality if not managed properly.

RTMP vs. RTMPS: Which is Better?

Choosing between RTMP and RTMPS depends on your specific needs and priorities. Here’s a concise comparison to help guide your decision:

Comparison between RTMP vs RTMPS: Key factors


  1. For Enhanced Security: If your streaming needs involve sensitive content or require compliance with data protection regulations, RTMPS is the better option. The added security of SSL/TLS encryption ensures that your stream is protected from potential threats.
  2. For Minimal Latency: If your priority is achieving the lowest possible latency for live streaming and you can manage the complexities of setup, RTMP may be more suitable. Its low latency is beneficial for real-time interactions.
  3. Consider Compatibility: Evaluate your audience’s devices and platforms. If you need to support modern, secure streaming environments, RTMPS offers enhanced protection. Conversely, RTMP may be sufficient if you’re working within an ecosystem where Flash support is still viable.

In summary, both RTMP and RTMPS have their strengths and weaknesses. By understanding the differences and evaluating your specific needs, you can choose the protocol that best aligns with your streaming goals.

What is HLS?

Now, let’s shift our focus to HLS, or HTTP Live Streaming. HLS was developed by Apple and introduced in 2009. Unlike RTMP, HLS is designed to work over standard HTTP servers, which makes it more versatile and compatible with a broader range of devices and platforms.

How HLS Works

How HLS protocol works in live video streaming: Workflow

HLS video streams are divided into segments of data—often referred to as chunks or packets—rather than being sent as a continuous flow. This method allows for higher-quality streaming and can accommodate a larger audience. However, this segmentation can increase latency. To manage this, content distributors typically use the Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) for the initial encoding of their streams and then repackage the content for HLS delivery once it reaches the media server.

One of HLS’s standout features is its ability to adapt to varying network conditions. As viewers’ internet speeds fluctuate, HLS can dynamically adjust the quality of the video stream to ensure a smooth viewing experience.

Click here to read how HLS compares to other streaming protocols like DASH.

Advantages of HLS

  1. Broad Compatibility: HLS enjoys widespread compatibility across various devices and platforms. It works seamlessly with desktop browsers, smartphones, tablets, and even smart TVs. This broad support is partly due to its use of standard HTTP, which is universally supported.
  2. Adaptive Bitrate Streaming: HLS’s ability to adjust the video quality based on the viewer’s internet speed is a significant advantage. If a viewer’s connection slows down, HLS will automatically switch to a lower quality stream to prevent buffering. Conversely, if the connection improves, it can switch back to higher quality. This adaptability enhances the viewer experience, particularly in areas with inconsistent internet speeds.
  3. No Flash Required: Unlike RTMP, HLS does not rely on Flash. This makes it more suitable for modern web environments and mobile devices, where Flash support is limited or non-existent.
  4. HTTP-Based Streaming: Since HLS uses standard HTTP, it can leverage existing web infrastructure, such as content delivery networks (CDNs) and caching mechanisms. This can improve the scalability and performance of streaming.

Drawbacks of HLS

  1. Higher Latency: One of the main drawbacks of HLS is its higher latency compared to RTMP. The chunking and playlist mechanism used by HLS can introduce delays in the stream. This latency is generally acceptable for on-demand content but can be a concern for live events where real-time interaction is crucial.
  2. Complex Implementation: Implementing HLS can be more complex than using RTMP, particularly due to the need to segment the video into chunks and manage the playlist. This complexity can increase the setup and maintenance effort.
  3. Increased Bandwidth Usage: The adaptive bitrate feature of HLS can lead to increased bandwidth usage, as multiple quality levels of the video are streamed and cached. This can be a consideration if bandwidth costs are a concern.

RTMP vs. HLS: A Side-by-Side Comparison

To help you decide which protocol might be best for your needs, let’s compare RTMP and HLS across several key factors:

Comparison between RTMP vs HLS: Key factors

Which One Should You Choose?

The choice between RTMP and HLS largely depends on your specific use case:

  1. For Real-Time Interaction: If your goal is to stream live events with minimal delay, RTMP is likely the better choice. Its low latency makes it ideal for scenarios where timing is crucial, such as live sports broadcasts or interactive online events.
  2. For Broad Compatibility and Flexibility: If you want your stream to be accessible on a wide range of devices and don’t mind a bit of latency, HLS is a great option. It’s particularly well-suited for on-demand content and situations where adaptive bitrate streaming can enhance the viewer experience.
  3. For Modern Web Environments: If you’re targeting a modern audience with a focus on mobile and web-based platforms, HLS is more compatible and future-proof, given its lack of reliance on Flash.

Practical Examples

To give you a clearer picture, let’s consider some real-world scenarios where RTMP and HLS might be used:

  1. Live Sports Broadcasting: RTMP is often used for live sports events due to its low latency. For example, a sports network might use RTMP to stream a live football game to ensure that viewers experience the action in real time, with minimal delay.
  2. Online Gaming Streams: Many online gaming platforms and streamers use RTMP for live broadcasts. The low latency allows gamers to interact with their audience in real time, making it ideal for live game streaming.
  3. On-Demand Video Services: HLS is commonly used by streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+. The adaptive bitrate feature ensures that viewers get the best possible quality based on their internet speed, while the broad compatibility ensures the content can be accessed on various devices.
  4. Corporate Training Videos: For corporate training or educational content that doesn’t require real-time interaction, HLS is often used. It provides a reliable way to deliver high-quality video to a wide audience with varying internet speeds.

How FastPix Uses RTMPS and HLS for Streaming

When it comes to delivering high-quality live streams, FastPix employs both RTMPS and HLS protocols to ensure a seamless viewing experience. Let’s dive into how FastPix utilizes these technologies to provide efficient and reliable streaming.

RTMPS in FastPix

RTMPS (Real-Time Messaging Protocol Secure) is an enhanced version of RTMP that adds a layer of security by utilizing SSL/TLS encryption. FastPix uses RTMPS for secure and efficient live streaming. Here’s how it works:

Setting Up RTMPS Streaming

  1. Configuration in OBS: To start streaming securely, you need to configure your broadcasting software, such as OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), with the RTMPS URL provided by FastPix.  
    For example, the RTMPS URL might be rtmps://live.ibee.ai:443/live, along with a stream key (which you get when you create a stream).
  1. Secure Stream Transmission: OBS sends the live stream data to the FastPix server over the RTMPS URL. The SSL/TLS encryption ensures that the data is transmitted securely, protecting it from eavesdropping and tampering.
  2. Server Processing: Once received, the FastPix server processes the RTMPS stream. The secure transmission ensures that the content is safe while preparing it for distribution.

HLS in FastPix

HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is another essential protocol used by FastPix for delivering content to viewers. HLS is designed for adaptive bitrate streaming and broad compatibility.

Here’s how FastPix utilizes HLS:

Using HLS for Playback

  1. Stream URL Generation: After processing the RTMPS stream, FastPix converts the live content into HLS format. This generates a stream URL like https://stream.fastpix.io/{playbackId}.m3u8, which is compatible with HLS players. To view the stream, simply replace {playbackId} with the actual playback ID for your stream.
  2. Adaptive Bitrate Streaming: HLS supports adaptive bitrate streaming, meaning it can adjust the quality of the stream based on the viewer’s network conditions. This ensures smooth playback even if the viewer’s internet speed fluctuates.
  3. Playback Across Devices: HLS streams are compatible with a wide range of devices and platforms, including desktop browsers, mobile devices, and smart TVs. This ensures that your audience can access the stream regardless of their device.


In summary, both RTMP and HLS have their unique strengths and weaknesses. RTMP excels in low latency and stable performance, making it ideal for real-time streaming scenarios. However, its dependence on Flash and limited mobile support make it less suitable for modern web environments.

On the other hand, HLS offers broad compatibility, adaptive streaming, and no reliance on Flash, making it a better choice for contemporary streaming needs. While it does come with higher latency and setup complexity, its advantages make it a popular choice for a wide range of applications.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific requirements and goals. Whether you’re streaming live sports, delivering on-demand content, or looking to reach a broad audience, understanding these protocols will help you make an informed decision and ensure a smooth streaming experience for your viewers.

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