Latency, throughput and bandwidth in video streaming

September 20, 2024
10 Min
Video Education
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Nobody likes waiting for a video to load. Whether it’s a movie, a live stream, or an ad, buffering is an instant turn-off for most viewers. It interrupts the flow, breaks focus, and leaves people frustrated—especially when the content is just seconds away.

In fact, research shows that if buffering lasts more than 2 seconds, over half of viewers are likely to abandon the video entirely. With attention spans shrinking, ensuring smooth playback is essential to keeping your audience engaged from start to finish.

Buffering in a video
When the video buffers and you’re just trying to keep your cool…

Metrics in streaming

So, to understand streaming performance, you need to know three important metrics: latency, throughput, and bandwidth. These factors work together to determine how data is transmitted over the network, directly affecting video quality, loading times and overall streaming experience.

What is latency?

Latency is the time it takes for a data packet to travel from the source to the destination, measured in milliseconds (ms). It's the delay between sending a request and receiving a response. Lower latency means faster response times and a smoother experience. High latency can lead to buffering and delays in video playback because the player must wait for data before continuing.

The technology behind latency involves the time it takes for data to travel through various network devices, such as routers, switches, and servers. The distance between the client and the server, the network congestion, and the processing power of the devices can all contribute to the overall latency. In video streaming, additional factors like video encoding, transcoding, and delivery protocols can also affect the latency.  

What factors affect latency?

Distance: The physical distance between the user and the server plays a significant role; greater distances usually result in higher latency because data packets must travel further, which increases the time it takes to send and receive information.

Network congestion: Network congestion occurs when the volume of data traffic exceeds the network's capacity, leading to slower data transmission and increased latency. This situation can arise during peak usage periods when many users are online simultaneously, causing delays and packet loss.  

Heavy traffic can create bottlenecks, making it difficult for data packets to reach their destination promptly. The effects of network congestion can be felt across various applications, including web browsing, video streaming, and online gaming.

Hardware limitations: Older routers or servers may not process data as quickly as newer models. Outdated hardware can struggle to handle modern demands for speed and efficiency, leading to slower response times and degraded performance.

What is throughput?

Throughput measures the amount of data that can be processed or transferred over a network at each time, typically measured in bits per second (bps) or bytes per second (Bps). Higher throughput indicates that more data can be transmitted quickly, which is essential for activities like streaming high-definition videos or downloading large files.

Image quality in a video
Low-quality image and a high-definition image in a video

When streaming a movie, high throughput ensures that the video loads quickly and maintains high quality without buffering. This means the network can sustain the data rate required for high-definition content. For example:  

  • Streaming standard HD content requires about 5 Mbps.  
  • For 4K resolution, you need at least 25 Mbps.

If your throughput is insufficient, you may experience interruptions as the video player struggles to keep up with the data demands.

If you're streaming a 4K movie but your network only offers 15 Mbps, you may experience frequent buffering. In this case, the video may also automatically downgrade to a lower resolution to keep playing smoothly. This can interrupt your viewing experience and reduce the overall quality of the content.

Factors affecting throughput

Network congestion diagram. Senders send data packets through the queue to receivers.
Data delivery in a network

  • Network conditions: Congested networks or poor signal strength can reduce throughput. When too many users try to access the network simultaneously, the available bandwidth becomes strained. Congested networks often cause delays in data transmission and packet loss, which reduces the network's overall performance.
  • Protocol efficiency: The choice of transmission protocols can affect how quickly data packets are processed. Different protocols have different overheads and efficiencies. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is known for its reliability, but this comes with potential delays due to its error-checking processes. On the other hand, UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is faster, but it does not guarantee delivery. UDP is suitable for live streaming and online games where speed is more critical than reliability.
  • Device limitations: Older devices can create bottlenecks in a network, which can limit throughput. Outdated routers, switches, and network interface cards (NICs) might not support the latest standards or manage high data volumes effectively. For businesses relying on legacy hardware, this can lead to noticeable slowdowns during busy times when many users are online.  

What is bandwidth?

Bandwidth refers to the maximum amount of data transmitted over a network connection at any given time, usually measured in megabits per second (Mbps). Bandwidth is often confused with internet speed, but they are different. Speed refers to how fast data is transferred, while bandwidth is the maximum capacity for data transfer.

Higher bandwidth allows more data to be transmitted simultaneously, enabling faster downloads and better performance with multiple connected devices. Streaming high-quality video, gaming, and downloading large files require more bandwidth than basic web browsing and email.

Understanding codecs: For efficiency, quality, and performance

When choosing a codec for streaming, different codecs handle compression and quality in various ways. Why does this matter? Because the codec you select can significantly impact the overall viewing experience.

Image of a hardware codec chip.

Compression efficiency

One factor you must consider in video streaming is how different codecs manage data compression. H.264 generally provides better efficiency than older codecs, generally provides good efficiency, but the newer AV1 codec offers even better performance, delivering up to 50% higher compression than H.264 at similar quality levels. This is particularly beneficial for streaming services that need to deliver high-quality video while minimizing bandwidth usage.

Video quality  

When comparing video quality at different bitrates, AV1 produces excellent clarity even at lower rates. For example, at 1080p resolution, AV1 delivers sharper visuals compared to older formats like H.264 and even H.265. It’s the preferred choice for high-definition applications, especially on platforms where clear and crisp images are important.

Codec performance

The choice of codec also depends on the specific use case. For live streaming, H.265 is an excellent option due to its superior compression capabilities and ability to maintain high quality at lower bitrates, making it ideal for streaming 4K content. In contrast, H.264 remains well-suited for a wide range of video applications due to its compatibility and efficiency across various devices and bandwidth conditions.

How do major streaming services optimize data?

Let’s look at how some of the biggest names in streaming optimize their services:


Netflix primarily uses the H.264 codec for most of its content due to its compatibility. However, Netflix has also adopted VP9 for higher resolutions like 4K HDR because it offers better compression without sacrificing quality. Recently, Netflix has started using AV1 for some of the titles, providing even greater efficiency—between 20% and 40% better than H.265—making it suitable for high-quality streaming while minimizing bandwidth usage.


Spotify made a strategic shift to Ogg Vorbis, achieving a 30% reduction in data usage without compromising audio quality. This optimization not only enhances streaming efficiency but also makes the service more accessible for users with data limitations. By prioritizing audio quality while reducing bandwidth consumption, Spotify ensures that users can enjoy their music seamlessly, regardless of their internet speed.


YouTube uses several codecs based on video resolution. The main codec is H.264 for broad compatibility; however, VP9 is used for higher-quality videos like 4K due to its superior compression capabilities. YouTube has also begun using AV1 for streaming 8K content as it delivers enhanced efficiency and visual quality.

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How to measure latency?

1. Ping tests: One of the simplest ways to measure latency is by using the ping command. This tool sends a small packet of data to a server and measures how long it takes for the server to respond. A lower ping time indicates better latency.

For example, to ping Google’s public DNS server, you can use the following command in your terminal:



Here’s what the output might look like when you run the command:


1Pinging with 32 bytes of data: 	
2Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=117 	
3Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=117 	
4Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=117 
5Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=117  	
7Ping statistics for     		
8	Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), 	
9Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:     		
10	Minimum = 13ms, Maximum = 15ms, Average = 14ms 

2. Traceroute: This tool helps identify the path data packets take from your device to a destination server. It shows if there are any delays along the network route, allowing you to pinpoint specific problems affecting performance.

For example, to trace the route to Google's public DNS server, you can use the following command in your terminal:



The output:


1traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets  	
2	router.local (  0.345 ms  0.289 ms  0.256 ms  	
3	isp-gateway (  5.672 ms  5.642 ms  5.611 ms  	
4	core-router (  10.845 ms  10.789 ms  10.756 ms  	
5	google-gateway (  15.123 ms  15.065 ms  15.012 ms  	
6 (  14.987 ms  14.934 ms  14.890 ms 

How to measure throughput?

1. Speed tests: Online tools like Ookla's speed test are widely used for measuring your network's throughput. These tests calculate the rate at which data is downloaded and uploaded, providing a snapshot of your network's performance at any given moment.

Ookla speed test example.

2. Network monitoring tools: Tools like Auvik and Datadog can provide detailed insights into throughput over time. These tools often offer real-time data on network performance, helping you identify bottlenecks or other issues affecting throughput.

Auvik inventory dashboard

How CDNs affect latency and throughput

A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a network of geographically distributed servers designed to deliver content efficiently to users. When a user requests content, the CDN directs this request to the nearest server, significantly reducing the physical distance data must travel.

CDNs temporarily store copies of web content by caching on edge servers, reducing latency and improving loading times for websites and applications. This enhances user experience and helps manage bandwidth costs effectively.

 CDN architecture diagram.

Features of a CDN

1. Load distribution: CDNs can handle numerous requests simultaneously by distributing them across their network of servers. This prevents any single server from becoming overwhelmed, managing overall throughput as each server manages a manageable number of requests.

2. Optimized data delivery: Optimization techniques such as compression and newer protocols like HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 to improve data transmission efficiency, increasing throughput significantly.

3. Scalability: CDNs are designed to scale seamlessly during high-traffic periods (like product launches or viral events). They can handle surges in requests more efficiently than a single origin server can, ensuring high throughput even during peak times.

4. Adaptive bitrate streaming: CDNs offer features like adaptive bitrate streaming that adjusts content quality based on user connection speeds, ensuring smooth playback without overwhelming the network and reducing throughput.

How to improve latency and throughput

  • Upgrade your internet plan: Opting for an internet plan with higher bandwidth allows more data to be transmitted simultaneously, improving throughput and possibly reducing latency if lower-latency options are available from your ISP. This upgrade can make a noticeable difference, especially during peak usage periods when multiple devices are connected.  
  • Optimize your network setup: Position your router centrally for even coverage and reduce obstacles that may obstruct signals. For devices requiring stable connections, like gaming consoles or smart TVs, use Ethernet cables instead of relying on Wi-Fi. Additionally, ensure that your router's firmware is up to date to take advantage of performance improvements and security enhancements.  
  • Reduce network congestion: Disconnect devices not in use to free up bandwidth and prioritize critical applications (like video conferencing) using Quality of Service (QoS) settings on your router. You can also limit background activities, such as automatic updates or cloud backups, during busy hours to prevent them from consuming valuable bandwidth.  
  • Use network optimization technologies: Use data compression techniques to reduce the size of transmitted data and optimize website content, such as compressing images and using efficient coding practices, to minimize bandwidth usage. Implementing caching strategies can also help by storing frequently accessed data closer to users, reducing the need for repeated data transfers.  
  • Monitor your network performance: Utilize network monitoring tools to keep track of traffic patterns and identify potential congestion points. These tools can provide insights into which devices or applications are consuming the most bandwidth, allowing you to make informed decisions about resource allocation.

Final thoughts

Achieving optimal latency and throughput is vital for video streaming, and this is where FastPix comes in. Our product provides features that enhance streaming performance, such as accelerated uploads and adaptive bitrate streaming. With tools like instant live encoding and multimodal indexing, your content is delivered efficiently, ensuring a smooth viewer experience.  

FastPix simplifies video delivery by managing multiple input formats and offering advanced analytics to improve video performance. Our APIs streamline your workflows, allowing you to focus on creating engaging content. Connect with FastPix today to enhance your video streaming capabilities!

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