How to add a video background in HTML

March 21, 2025
7 minutes
Video Engineering
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This is some text inside of a div block.

A great website does more than just present information it delivers an immersive experience that resonates with visitors. Integrating video backgrounds is a way to elevate your website’s aesthetics, adding a dynamic layer of visual storytelling. Unlike static images, video backgrounds offer fluid motion and context, drawing attention and holding user engagement longer. Whether you're crafting a personal portfolio, launching a product, or building an interactive landing page, strategically optimized video backgrounds can make your site's visual appealing without compromising performance.

Step-by-step guide on how to add video background in HTML

Step 1: Prepare your video

Before you start coding, ensure you have a suitable video file. Here are some tips for selecting and preparing your video:

  • File format: Use widely supported formats like MP4, WebM, or Ogg. MP4 is the most used format due to its compatibility across browsers.
  • Length: Keep the video short (ideally under 30 seconds) to maintain user interest without overwhelming them.
  • Size: Optimize your video for web use. Large files can slow down your site, so consider compressing the video without sacrificing too much quality.

Step 2: Basic HTML structure

Now that you have your video ready, let's create the basic HTML structure. Below is an example of how to embed a video background using the <video> tag:

1<!DOCTYPE html> 
2<html lang="en"> 
4    <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
5    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> 
6    <title>Video Background Example</title> 
7    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> 
10    <div class="video-container"> 
11        <video autoplay loop muted id="background-video"> 
12            <source src="path/to/your/video.mp4" type="video/mp4"> 
13            Your browser does not support the video tag. 
14        </video> 
15        <div class="overlay-content"> 
16            <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1> 
17            <p>Discover amazing content.</p> 
18            <button id="toggleButton" onclick="toggleVideo()">Pause/Play</button> 
19        </div> 
20    </div> 
21    <script> 
22        function toggleVideo() { 
23            var video = document.getElementById("background-video"); 
24            if (video.paused) { 
25      ; 
26            } else { 
27                video.pause(); 
28            } 
29        } 
30    </script> 

Explanation of HTML elements

  • <video> tag: This tag is used to embed the video. The attributes used are:
    • autoplay: Starts playing the video as soon as it is ready.
    • loop: Replays the video indefinitely.
    • muted: Mutes the audio of the video (necessary for autoplay in many browsers).
  • Fallback message: The text "Your browser does not support the video tag." will display if the user's browser does not support HTML5 videos.

Step 3: CSS styling

Next, we need to style our page and ensure that the video covers the entire background:

1* { 
2    box-sizing: border-box; 
3    margin: 0; 
4    padding: 0; 
7body { 
8    font-family: Arial, sans-serif; 
10 { 
12    position: relative; 
13    height: 100vh; /* Full viewport height */ 
14    overflow: hidden; /* Prevent scroll bars */ 
17#background-video { 
18    position: absolute; 
19    top: 50%; 
20    left: 50%; 
21    min-width: 100%; 
22    min-height: 100%; 
23    width: auto; 
24    height: auto; 
25    z-index: -1; /* Send video behind content */ 
26    transform: translate(-50%, -50%); /* Centering */ 
29.overlay-content { 
30    position: relative; 
31    z-index: 1; /* Bring content above the video */ 
32    color: white; /* Text color */ 
33    text-align: center; /* Center text */ 

Explanation of CSS styles

  • Resetting margins and padding: The universal selector (*) resets all margins and paddings to avoid unexpected spacing.
  • .video-container:
    • position: relative; allows absolutely positioned children (like the video) to be positioned relative to this container.
    • height: 100vh; sets the height of the container to fill the entire viewport.
  • #background-video:
    • position: absolute; positions the video relative to its container.
    • min-width and min-height ensure that the video covers the entire area without leaving gaps.
    • transform: translate(-50%, -50%); centers the video in both dimensions.
  • .overlay-content:
    • Positioned relatively so it appears above the video.
    • Text color is set to white for contrast against darker videos.

Step 4: Adding content over video

To make your website functional and engaging, add content over your video background. This could include headings, paragraphs, buttons, or any other elements relevant to your site. For example:

1<div class="overlay-content"> 
2    <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1> 
3    <p>Discover amazing content.</p> 
4    <button id="toggleButton" onclick="toggleVideo()">Pause/Play</button> 

Button styling

You can style buttons in CSS as follows:

1button { 
2    padding: 10px 20px; 
3    font-size: 16px; 
4    color: #fff; 
5    background-color: #007BFF; /* Bootstrap primary color */ 
6    border: none; 
7    border-radius: 5px; 
8    cursor: pointer; 
11button:hover { 
12    background-color: #0056b3; /* Darker shade on hover */ 

Step 5: Responsive design considerations

To ensure that your video background looks good on all devices, consider adding media queries:

1@media (max-width: 768px) { 
2    #background-video { 
3        object-fit: cover; /* Ensures proper aspect ratio */ 
4        height: auto; /* Adjusts height for smaller screens */ 
5        width: 100%; /* Full width on mobile */ 
6    } 

How to add video background by using Javascript

Adding a video background to your website can instantly make it more dynamic and engaging. Here's a quick guide to achieve this using HTML and JavaScript.

Step 1: Set up the HTML structure

Start with a simple HTML structure to include the video element.

1<!DOCTYPE html>
2<html lang="en">
4  <meta charset="UTF-8">
5  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
6  <title>Video Background</title>
7  <style>
8    body, html {
9      margin: 0;
10      padding: 0;
11      height: 100%;
12      overflow: hidden;
13    }
14    .video-bg {
15      position: fixed;
16      top: 0;
17      left: 0;
18      width: 100%;
19      height: 100%;
20      object-fit: cover;
21      z-index: -1;
22    }
23    .content {
24      position: relative;
25      color: white;
26      text-align: center;
27      padding-top: 50px;
28    }
29  </style>
32  <div class="content">
33    <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
34    <p>Enjoy the stunning video background!</p>
35  </div>
36  <video id="bgVideo" class="video-bg" autoplay muted loop></video>
37  <script src="script.js"></script>

Step 2: Add the video dynamically with JavaScript

Now, add the video source dynamically using JavaScript.

1// script.js
2document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
3  const video = document.getElementById("bgVideo");
5  // Set video source dynamically
6  video.src = "your-video-file.mp4";
8  // Additional attributes (optional)
9  video.setAttribute("playsinline", true);
10  video.setAttribute("autoplay", true);
11  video.setAttribute("loop", true);
12  video.setAttribute("muted", true);

Why use JavaScript?

  1. Dynamic video loading: Perfect if the video source is fetched from a server or API.
  2. Fallback handling: Easily switch to an image or alternate media if the video fails to load.

Performance considerations

Using a video background can impact loading times and performance. Here are some tips:

  • Optimize video size: Use tools like HandBrake or FFmpeg to compress videos before uploading them.
  • Use a CDN (content delivery network): Hosting videos on a CDN can improve load times by serving files from locations closer to users.
  • Fallback image: Consider providing a static image fallback for devices that cannot play videos or for users with slower internet connections.
  • Use lightweight videos: Keep file size below 2MB for faster load times.

How to add video background using FastPix dashboard (iframe integrate)

  1. Login or create an account
    Visit and log in to your account. If you don’t have an account, create one by signing up.
  1. Upload media
    • Navigate to the Media section.
    • Click Add New Media and then select Pull Video to upload your desired video from your local device.
    • Wait for the media to finish transcoding and display the Ready status.
  1. Integrate the media
    • Click on the media marked as Ready and go to the Integrate tab.
    • Copy the provided iframe code.
    • You can customize the iframe with options such as autoplay, mute, loop, hide controls, and aspect ratio.
  2. Use the Iframe as a video background

Below is an example of how you can integrate the iframe as a video background:

1<div style="position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden;">
2  <iframe 
4    style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;" 
5    autoplay 
6    muted 
7    loop 
8    frameborder="0">
9  </iframe>

How to fix issues with background video

Video not playing

  • Autoplay restrictions: Browsers often block autoplay unless the video is muted.
    • Add muted to the <video> tag.
  • Solution:
1<video autoplay muted loop playsinline>

Video not loading

  • File path: Verify the src path is correct.
  • Format: Ensure the video is in MP4 format (most compatible across browsers).
  • Solution:
    • Double-check the file path and format.
    • Use tools to convert your video if necessary (e.g., HandBrake).

Video not responsive

CSS Fix: Use object-fit: cover in the video CSS to make the video responsive.

Video overlays or content not visible

Z-Index: Ensure the z-index of the video is lower than other elements.

  • Set the content to a higher z-index.

Poor performance

  • Optimize video: Use compressed videos with a resolution suitable for web. Use platform like FastPix to reduce file size.
  • Use lazy loading: Consider loading the video only when the section is in view (requires JavaScript).

Video not working on mobile

Browser support: Mobile browsers often have stricter autoplay policies.

  • Use the playsinline attribute and ensure video is muted.


Video backgrounds have emerged as great way to grab attention. When implemented correctly, they seamlessly blend visual appeal with functionality, creating an interactive environment that captures attention.

However, the success of video backgrounds relies heavily on technical considerations. Optimizing videos for responsive playback, maintaining efficient compression standards, and using lightweight formats such as MP4 or WebM are crucial for balancing performance with quality. Leveraging modern web technologies like HTML5 video elements, CSS animations, and video APIs ensures compatibility across devices while keeping loading times minimal Sign up with FastPix today to improve your video projects!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What formats are best for web videos?

The best formats for web videos are MP4, WebM, and Ogg, with MP4 being the most widely supported.

Can I use audio in my video background?

It is not recommended to use audio in video backgrounds as autoplaying audio can be disruptive; videos should typically be muted.

How do I optimize my video for web use?

Optimize your video by compressing it with tools like HandBrake or FFmpeg to reduce file size while maintaining quality.

Will using a video background affect my website's loading speed?

Yes, large video files can slow downloading times, so it's important to use optimized videos and consider fallback images.

How do I ensure my site is accessible with a video background?

Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background and provide fallback content for users who may have difficulty viewing videos.

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