Benefits of ultra-low latency video streaming

October 4, 2024
8 Min
Live Streaming
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The demand for live video streaming has surged, particularly in areas like live sports, gaming, and remote collaboration. For developers, achieving ultra-low latency has become quite important since even a few seconds of delay can impact the user experience.  

Imagine an esports application where interactivity is key during gameplay. Players need instant feedback from streamed footage to plan their strategy. With ultra-low latency video streaming technology like WebRTC or SRT protocols, latency can be reduced to just a few milliseconds, delivering a more engaging and seamless experience.

In this guide, we’ll break down latency into technical terms, explore how ultra-low latency streaming is achieved, and discuss real-world applications across live sports, telemedicine, and more. For developers, this will provide actionable insights into implementing ultra-low latency solutions that enhance user engagement and platform performance.

What is latency?

Video latency is the time lag between the source creating the video and the viewing party, influenced by a host of technological factors in the streaming design. A related confusion is caused by the use of the term "delay," which refers to a technically purposeful pause, such as when sources need to be synched and production quality is improved. While delays may be intentionally introduced to synchronize streams or improve quality, latency refers to the unavoidable transmission lag between source and end-user. Reducing latency without compromising quality is key for real-time applications.

What is latency

What is ultra-low latency?

Ultra-low latency refers to the extremely short delay between the capture of video or audio data and its display on the end user's device, typically measured in milliseconds (ms). In technical terms, it’s the time it takes for the data to travel from the source (e.g., a camera or microphone) through the encoding, transmission, and decoding processes, and then be rendered on the viewer’s screen. Achieving ultra-low latency is important  in scenarios like live streaming, where real-time interaction is essential. Whether it’s a gamer reacting to in-game events, a live sports broadcast where every second counts, or a teacher delivering real-time feedback in an online class, the goal is to minimize delay to near real-time typically under 100 milliseconds to create a seamless experience for the end-user.

What is ultra-low latency?

Techniques and technologies for achieving ultra-low latency streaming

Achieving ultra-low latency streaming requires the integration of several advanced technologies and techniques:

Optimized encoding and decoding: Streamlining the compression and decompression processes of video data significantly enhances transmission speed, allowing for quicker delivery of content.

Advanced streaming protocols: Protocols such as WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) and Low Latency HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) are specifically designed to minimize latency, facilitating real-time communication and streaming experiences.

Edge computing: By processing data closer to the end user at the "edge" of the network, latency is significantly reduced, as information has to travel shorter distances.

Enhanced network infrastructure: High-speed internet connections and optimized network routes are essential for delivering data swiftly, thereby decreasing the time required for information to travel from the sender to the receiver.

How to achieve ultra low latency?

How WebRTC achieves ultra-low latency

WebRTC (Web real-time communication) enables ultra-low latency through a combination of advanced technologies and architectural features. The following elements contribute to its efficiency:

Peer-to-peer architecture: WebRTC uses direct peer-to-peer connections, minimizing latency by reducing the reliance on intermediary servers. This architecture decreases the round-trip time (RTT) for data packets, as they traverse a shorter path between endpoints.

Optimized media codecs: WebRTC leverages state-of-the-art codecs such as Opus for audio and VP8/VP9 for video. These codecs are designed for low-latency encoding and decoding, providing efficient compression that preserves media quality while enhancing transmission speed.

Dynamic adaptive bitrate streaming: WebRTC incorporates adaptive bitrate algorithms that dynamically adjust the media stream quality in response to real-time network conditions. This capability ensures continuous and smooth communication, even in variable bandwidth scenarios, by minimizing buffering and maintaining a seamless user experience.

Bi-directional data channels: WebRTC supports bi-directional data channels that enable the rapid transmission of arbitrary data types. This feature accelerates interactions, such as real-time gaming or file transfers, by allowing direct and efficient data exchange without the overhead of traditional protocols.

Key metrics to monitor for ultra-low latency video streaming

When measuring ultra-low latency, several key metrics are often considered:

Latency (ms): The total delay measured in milliseconds. Ultra-low latency typically refers to values under 100 ms, with optimal performance often below 30 ms.

Buffering time: The amount of time content is buffered before playback begins. Lower buffering times contribute to a better user experience.

Jitter: Variability in latency over time. Low jitter indicates consistent performance, while high jitter can lead to noticeable delays and interruptions.

Packet loss: The percentage of data packets that fail to reach their destination. High packet loss can increase latency and degrade the quality of service.

Measuring latency: Techniques and tools for developers

Several techniques and tools are used to measure latency:

Ping tests

Purpose: To measure basic network latency.

How it helps: Developers can use ping tests to diagnose network issues and assess server responsiveness.

Code example (using Python):

1import os 
2import time 
4def ping_test(host): 
5    start_time = time.time() 
6    response = os.system(f"ping -c 1 {host}") 
7    latency = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000  # convert to ms 
8    return response == 0, latency 
10success, latency = ping_test('') 
12if success: 
13    print(f"Latency: {latency:.2f} ms") 
15    print("Ping failed.")

2. Round-trip time (RTT)

Purpose: To measure the round-trip time for a packet.

How it helps: Developers can assess both upload and download latency, useful for optimizing API calls.

Code example (using requests library in Python):

1import requests 
2import time 
4def measure_rtt(url): 
5    start_time = time.time() 
6    response = requests.get(url) 
7    rtt = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000  # convert to ms 
8    return rtt, response.status_code 
10rtt, status = measure_rtt('') 
12print(f"RTT: {rtt:.2f} ms, Status Code: {status}") 

3. End-to-end latency measurement

Purpose: To measure the total time from action to response.

How it helps: This helps developers identify bottlenecks in user interactions, allowing them to optimize performance and improve user experience.

Code example

To implement end-to-end latency measurement in a web app using JavaScript, you can follow these steps:

Create a button using HTML

Measure time from Button Click to Response

Here's a simple example:


1<!DOCTYPE html> 
2<html lang="en"> 
4    <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
5    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> 
6    <title>Latency Measurement</title> 
7    <script src="script.js" defer></script> 
10    <button id="actionButton">Click Me!</button> 
11    <div id="responseMessage"></div> 

JavaScript (script.js)

document.getElementById('myButton').addEventListener('click', async () => { 
    const startTime =; 
    await fetch('/api/endpoint');  // Simulated API call 
    const endTime =; 
    const latency = endTime - startTime; 
    console.log(`End-to-End Latency: ${latency.toFixed(2)} ms`); 

4. Frame analysis

Purpose: To measure latency in video streaming.

How it helps: Developers can optimize streaming performance and user experience.

Tools: Use tools like FFmpeg or custom scripts for analysis.

Code example (using FFmpeg):

1ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "showinfo" -f null - 

This command will output frame timing info, which you can analyze for latency.

5. Latency monitoring tools

Purpose: To continuously monitor and report latency levels.

How it helps: Provides insights into network performance and potential issues.

Tools: Wireshark, PingPlotter, and custom dashboards using Grafana.

Example Command for Wireshark: To capture and filter TCP traffic:

1tcp.port == 80

This will help you analyze HTTP request/response times and detect latency issues.

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What are the key factors influencing latency?

The factors that affect latency are crucial for optimizing real-time applications. Here are key considerations:

Network conditions: The quality of network connections—such as bandwidth, packet loss, and jitter—directly impacts latency. Implementing adaptive bitrate streaming can help mitigate issues caused by network fluctuations.

Geographical distance: The physical distance between users and servers or peers can cause delays. Using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) or edge servers can reduce latency by bringing content closer to users.

Encoding and decoding: The time taken to encode and decode audio and video streams contributes to latency. Choosing efficient codecs and optimizing encoding settings can minimize processing time without sacrificing quality.

Device performance: The capabilities of users' devices play a significant role in latency. Optimizing applications for a range of device specifications ensures a consistent experience across platforms.

Data routing: The path data takes across the internet affects latency. Working with reliable hosting solutions and utilizing techniques like anycast routing can minimize the number of hops data must make.

Protocol overhead: Different communication protocols introduce varying levels of latency. For real-time applications, using UDP instead of TCP can help reduce delays, as it allows for faster transmission without error-checking overhead.

Server response time: The efficiency of server-side processing influences latency. Optimizing backend systems, leveraging caching strategies, and using asynchronous processing can enhance response times.

Buffering strategies: While buffering can provide smooth playback, it can also introduce latency. Implementing dynamic buffering techniques that adjust based on real-time network conditions can help balance smoothness and responsiveness.

Best practices for implementing ultra-low latency streaming

1. Choose the right protocol based on the use case

Selecting the right streaming protocol is key for reducing latency. Different protocols suit different scenarios:

WebRTC is perfect for peer-to-peer applications like video chats or online multiplayer gaming.

Low latency HLS is ideal for large-scale live events, such as sports broadcasts.

SRT (Secure reliable transport) works well in environments with network instability, such as live drone feeds or remote monitoring.

Testing different protocols to find the best combination of low latency, reliability, and scalability will make a significant difference.

2. Continuously monitor latency  
Unexpected latency spikes can disrupt user experience. Incorporating real-time monitoring tools, like Wireshark or PingPlotter, helps pinpoint exactly where latency issues originate. Automated alerts can be set up to notify when latency exceeds acceptable limits, allowing quick response to issues before they affect users.

3. Use adaptive bitrate streaming  
Adopting adaptive bitrate streaming ensures that video quality adjusts dynamically according to the user’s network conditions. Implementing adaptive bitrate techniques using HLS or DASH prevents buffering while keeping playback smooth. Defining minimum and maximum bitrate thresholds can also help maintain a responsive, high-quality stream under varying conditions.

4. Optimize video codecs  
Choosing the right video codec is critical for ultra-low latency. Codecs like VP9 or H.265 (HEVC) offer superior compression, allowing faster transmission with less bandwidth. Fine-tuning encoding settings helps achieve an optimal balance between speed and quality, especially for real-time applications.

5. Implement edge computing and CDN solutions  
Utilizing Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) and edge computing reduces the distance data must travel, significantly cutting down latency. This is especially beneficial for global live events or applications with widespread audiences. Processing data closer to the user at the edge of the network helps ensure faster, more responsive streaming.

What is the impact of ultra-low latency streaming?

Ultra-low latency streaming creates fast, seamless experiences for users. Here’s how it makes a difference:

1. Real-time action
In gaming, live sports, or auctions, ultra-low latency means what’s happening on screen is almost exactly what’s happening in real life. Players can react instantly, viewers can interact without delay, and nothing important is missed. For example, in esports, every millisecond counts, and low-latency streaming ensures no one is a second behind the action.

2. Better engagement
When viewers experience a live event without delay, they feel more connected. Whether it's live sports betting, live shopping events, or social media streams, low latency keeps the audience engaged, increasing interaction. It’s the difference between a viewer who stays and participates, versus one who leaves because the stream lags.

3. Smoother communication
In online learning or remote work, ultra-low latency makes communication feel natural. Whether it’s a student asking a teacher a question or team members collaborating on a project, low latency allows conversations to flow easily, without awkward pauses or delays.

4. Critical decisions made faster
In areas like telemedicine or emergency response, even a small delay can have serious consequences. Ultra-low latency ensures that real-time video is truly real-time, so doctors or first responders get instant visual feedback to make quick and accurate decisions.

5. Better user experience in all conditions
Even in areas with less-than-perfect internet connections, ultra-low latency streaming, combined with smart technologies like adaptive bitrate, delivers smooth streams with minimal buffering. It ensures users have a quality experience, no matter where they are or what their network is like.

Conclusion: Future of video streaming

Ultra-low latency video streaming is changing our connection to content, providing real-time experiences that engage and captivate. From enhancing live sports to enriching remote learning and transforming e-commerce, the benefits are undeniable.

At FastPix, we understand these challenges and offer a suite of video streaming solutions to help you stream better.  

With FastPix, you get:

  • Optimized encoding and adaptive bitrate streaming to ensure high-quality, real-time content delivery, even under fluctuating network conditions.
  • Edge computing and multi-CDN delivery to minimize latency by processing data closer to users and ensuring fast, reliable streaming across global networks.
  • Advanced analytics for continuous monitoring of latency, jitter, and buffering, helping developers identify bottlenecks and optimize the streaming experience.

FastPix helps developers with the tools to deliver world-class streaming experiences that engage users and enhance platform performance.  

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